
EnterpriseTimeSheet and Payroll / News: Recent posts

I am back and am working on more stable version

I was travelling for the past few months and was job hunting.. so did not really have much time to work on the project. I apologize for not having had a chance to answer your numerous emails and fix errors. I finally got a job and hence has a more stable schedule now. So, I will try to start fixing the errors posted, answer your emails and adding new features to it. I thank all of you who have emailed me errors, suggestions, patches to this software. I hope for those who have successfully installed it, that it has helped you in some ways or another in your organization. I will start to do some cleaning up in the project, organize it better, fix errors and make some good documentation. I just hope my resolutions hold :)

Posted by Nilesh Dosooye 2002-07-05