
Everything Over Freenet / News: Recent posts

The Future of the EOF Project

The Future of Everything Over Freenet

From this point in time forward, EOF will not be a software package, but
rather a standards organisation. The organisation will be run by consensus on
what is the right thing. EOF will be come a group for freenet like the IETF
is for the internet. I'm proposing we set up a freesite, which will contain
the EOF organisation information, and also a section call Free for Comment.
The FFC's will be numbered just like the IETF's RFCs, and will describe a
standard for a type of communication via Freenet. Applications compliant with
a certain FFC would be able to interoperate, and would keep everyone working
in a similiar direction, instead of having 15 millions standards for mail,
messaging and BBS's on Freenet.... read more

Posted by David Findlay 2001-09-11