
#27 mount webdav folders


would it be possible to add a webdav client so that we can directly mount webdav folders without going through the native windows client that often does not work properly.
indeed a common use case is to encrypt files in the cloud. But it is not always optimal to have an unencrypted version of the files on which we do our daily work. an encrypted version and a synchronised cloud based encrypted version.
i would rather have the unencrypted version synhronised with the cloud based encypted version directly though distant encfs mounted drive.

indeed in the previous workflow there are too many versions eating up disk space and potentially leading to synchronisation mistakes

you could arguee that we only need the local encrypted version and access the unencrypted files transparently through encfs.
however if i loose the password i loose everything. More over using several file system layers + encription is more prone to bugs and corruption so you better have an unencrypted backup and we are back to first workflow.

that is why it would be nice to have the encfs folder in the cloud and not locally and be able to map the drive directly with an integrated webdav client

thanks for the hard work anyway


  • RomanH

    RomanH - 2015-06-12

    Thanks for your suggestion. I totally agree with your arguments.
    Before starting to implement EncFSMP, I also thought about WebDAV support. However, the following reasons spoke against it:
    - WebDAV is not supported by many Cloud-services. Most popular consumer webservices (Dropbox, Google Drive, Skydrive etc.) have proprietary protocols.
    - It wouldn't fit to EncFSMP. EncFSMP is an encrypting filesystem, and has nothing to do with networking. It would better to create a separate solution for WebDAV.
    - It would be a huge undertaking to map WebDAV to a local filesystem using PFM, much more than I am willing to invest.

  • Josef H. B. Schneider

    And another hint:
    There is a great little tool that allows to manage files on different cloud providers: CarrotDav

    It has a option to enable a WebDAV-Server and mount it as drive. You can then use EncFS MP on that drive and encrypt your GoogleDrive/OneDrive/... on the fly.

    (it can also mount WebDAV, but that is kind of pointless in this case)


    Last edit: Josef H. B. Schneider 2015-06-25

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