
EmuTOS / News: Recent posts

EmuTOS 1.3

Major changes in EmuTOS 1.3:

  • BIOS: Support for SCSIDRV API (used by software such as ExtenDOS)
  • EmuDesk: Improved appearance of some dialogs
  • General: New Romanian translation
  • XBIOS: Support for true-color modes on the Falcon
    (Note that VDI and EmuDesk support for true-color is still unavailable.)

Other changes:

  • BIOS: Improved device compatibility in the IDE driver
  • BIOS: Support for the CrazyDots VME graphics card
  • BIOS: Better handling of incorrect values in FAT file systems
  • BIOS: SD card support for some ColdFire EVBs
  • Many minor and/or obscure bugs have been fixed
Posted by Christian Zietz 2024-03-17

EmuTOS 1.2.1

Changes in EmuTOS 1.2.1:
There were only two changes to fix bugs in EmuTOS 1.2:
- AES: Fix accessories displaying an alert box
- AES: Correct process name in AES process descriptor

Posted by Christian Zietz 2022-08-16

EmuTOS 1.2

Major changes in EmuTOS 1.2:
- AES: Add support for 3D objects (enabled in 512k ROMs and PRG)
- AES: Add support for new menu_xxx() functions in AES 3.30
- AES: Allow up to 16 windows for versions with AES 3.30 support
- BIOS: Add interrupt-driven I/O for SCC serial ports
- EmuDesk: Resize screen memory in videl modes, just like TOS4
- General: Make FireBee ROMs single-language
- VDI: Fix crash under FreeMiNT with memory protect enabled... read more

Posted by Christian Zietz 2022-08-07

EmuTOS 1.1.1

Changes in EmuTOS 1.1.1:
There was only one change to fix a bug in EmuTOS 1.1: double-clicking on the desktop background caused a crash in EmuDesk.

Posted by Roger Burrows 2021-07-19

EmuTOS 1.1

Major changes:
- AES: Add support for colour icons
- AES: Add support for colour windows
- BIOS: Add support for Falcon DSP
- BIOS: Add interrupt-driven I/O for MFP and TT-MFP serial ports
- BIOS: Improve Nova video card support in several areas
- EmuCON: Allow setting of EmuCON startup folder
- EmuCON: Initialise EmuCON default path from AES's PATH variable
- EmuDesk: Remove the non-standard 'menu click' preference
- General: Add online manual for EmuTOS
- General: Add support for Hungarian & Turkish languages
- General: Make the 512K ROMs single-language only

Posted by Roger Burrows 2021-07-09

EmuTOS 1.0.1

Changes in EmuTOS 1.0.1:
There was only one change to fix a bug in EmuTOS 1.0: On an Atari Falcon with 4 MB RAM, when using the 512k ROM version of EmuTOS, a Nova graphics card was erroneously detected. This caused a panic during boot, preventing the use of the 512k ROM version of EmuTOS 1.0 on such a machine.

Posted by Christian Zietz 2020-12-06

EmuTOS 1.0

Major changes:
- BIOS: Add keyboard mapping for Spanish keyboard
- BIOS: Change Spanish character set to Atari ASCII, like Atari TOS
- BIOS: Improve joystick compatibility with Atari TOS
- EmuDesk: Implement "Search"/"Cycle windows"/"Select all items" in File menu
- EmuDesk: Implement "Size to Fit" in View menu
- EmuDesk: Implement "Cache" in Options menu
- EmuDesk: Add user-modifiable shortcuts for desktop menu items
- VDI: Add support for Atari GDOS
- VDI: Fix spacing and positioning of outlined text
- VDI: Improve text output quality for special effects
- VDI: Underline text within character cell if possible, like Atari TOS
- General: Add Polish language support
- General: Generate language-specific ROMs for PAK 68/3 hardware

Posted by Roger Burrows 2020-09-11

EmuTOS 0.9.12

Major changes:
- AES: Fix screen display on Falcon with NVDI 4
- Amiga: All versions of Amiga RAM are now fully supported
- ARAnyM: Only set up the 68040 PMMU if required
- BIOS: Add support for ATI Mach32 graphics card in Nova adapter
- BIOS: Add support for Volksfarben 4000 adapter
- BIOS: Fix occasional crash in Supexec() (affected Klapauzius games)
- EmuCON: Fix EmuCON copy/move handling of . and .. directories
- EmuCON: Use ctrl+arrows for line editing
- EmuDesk: Display desktop function key assignments
- EmuDesk: Display free memory
- EmuDesk: Implement support for printing from the desktop
- EmuDesk: Increase max depth for desktop copy/move (now same as Atari TOS)
- General: Add Dutch language support

Posted by Roger Burrows 2019-10-14

EmuTOS 0.9.11

Major changes:
- Amiga: Add support for Vampire V4 Standalone
- ARAnyM: Enable 68040 PMMU by default (relevant for FreeMiNT users)
- BIOS: Improve console output performance
- EmuCON: Make command prompt include the current path
- EmuDesk: Many changes and additions to alerts
- EmuDesk: Show count & size of selected items in window info line
- EmuDesk: Update default icon set
- LineA: Fix crash when using NVDI 5.03 in 256-colour resolution
- VDI: Improve performance of VDI rectangle drawing

Posted by Roger Burrows 2019-06-06

EmuTOS 0.9.10

Major changes:
- AES: Avoid unnecessary redraws by AES window manager
- AES: Fix shutdown bug in shel_write()
- BDOS: Improve BDOS write file performance
- BDOS: Improve BDOS sector caching algorithm
- BDOS: Avoid unnecessary directory sector writes in BDOS
- BDOS: Improve Fsnext() performance
- BIOS: Add SCSI support for TT and Falcon
- BIOS: Implement support for ET4000 graphics card
- BIOS: Implement automatic verify for floppy writes
- BIOS: Improve IDE data transfer speed
- BIOS: Improve TT RAM size detection for Storm cards
- BIOS: Fix reboot loop if Ctrl+Alt+Del held down
- EmuCON: Allow resolution change in EmuCON
- EmuDesk: Clean up if EmuDesk terminates abnormally
- EmuDesk: Fix bug in EmuDesk copy function
- EmuDesk: Fix EmuDesk out-of-sequence redraws
- EmuDesk: Make EmuDesk menu for icon/text selection like Atari TOS
- VDI: Improve the appearance of VDI curved lines

Posted by Roger Burrows 2018-12-23


There was only one change, to fix a major bug in EmuDesk: if a desktop shortcut for a file/folder was dragged to the trash or a disk icon or an open window, then all the folders at the same level as the selected file/folder were included in the operation, causing unwanted deletes/moves/copies.

Posted by Vincent Rivière 2017-12-14

EmuTOS 0.9.9

Major changes:
- AES: Allow mouse cursors to be loaded at boot time
- EmuDesk: Add 'Desktop configuration' dialog
- EmuDesk: Allow configuration of window/desktop backgrounds
- EmuDesk: Allow desktop window file mask to be specified
- EmuDesk: Omit unused desktop menu items
- EmuDesk: Open new window with Alt+doubleclick on folder
- General: Automatically build snapshot releases when a commit is pushed
- VDI: Add blitter support for horizontal line drawing
- VDI: Add blitter support for filled rectangle drawing
- VDI: Add blitter support for raster graphics

Posted by Roger Burrows 2017-12-12

EmuTOS 0.9.8

Major changes:
- Amiga: New boot floppy target
- Amiga: Rewrite floppy routines
- Amiga: Support multiple video modes
- BIOS: Autodetect IDE interface with twisted cable at run-time
- EmuDesk: Add support for desktop shortcuts
- EmuDesk: Add support for formatting floppies
- EmuDesk: Add support for user-assignable desktop icons

Posted by Roger Burrows 2017-04-27

EmuTOS version 0.9.7

Major changes:
- BIOS: add support for extended MBR partitions
- BIOS: add support for MonSTer board
- BIOS: configure & size ST-RAM on TT
- BIOS: add support for Eiffel on CAN bus on ColdFire EVB
- BIOS: add 5MS cookie to support FreeMiNT on non-Atari hardware
- BIOS: add support for Apollo Core 68080
- BDOS: set archive flag when file is created/modified
- EmuDesk: allow disk delete via desktop File menu item
- EmuDesk: implement desktop 'Install devices'
- EmuDesk: implement desktop 'Install icon'
- EmuDesk: implement desktop 'Remove desktop icon'
- EmuDesk: rewrite 'Install application'
- EmuCON2: provide a standalone version of EmuCON2

Posted by Roger Burrows 2016-11-17

EmuTOS version 0.9.6

Major changes:
- AES: fix pattern problem in window title line
- AES: prevent crash when NVDI is installed
- BDOS: fix bug: memory allocated by a TSR could be freed
- BDOS: implement etv_term()
- BIOS: clean up pending IRQ from flopunlk(), fixes some ACSI problems
- BIOS: clear data cache after DMA read, fixes ACSI problem on TT
- BIOS: do not clear the free ST-RAM on startup
- BIOS: enable MIDI input
- BIOS: initialise DMA sound matrix on Falcon
- BIOS: fix Flopxxx XBIOS calls to work with FastRAM
- BIOS: fix floppy motor-on problem during initialisation
- BIOS: fix memory bank detection to work on ST and STe
- BIOS: prevent reset vector being called on cold reset
- EmuCON2: add 'mode' command
- EmuCON2: fix EmuCON crash if system call is intercepted
- EmuDesk: allow TT desktop to select TT medium res
- EmuDesk: fix bug: copy/move could target the wrong folder
- EmuDesk: fix display of numeric values in desktop dialogs
- EmuDesk: fix rubber-banding for text-mode desktop windows
- EmuDesk: hide Shutdown if the machine can't shutdown
- EmuDesk: improve desktop move performance by using rename if possible
- EmuDesk: change menu bar to be more like Atari TOS
- General: fix EmuTOS to run on real TT hardware
- General: merge boot.prg + ramtos.img into emutos.prg
- VDI: fully implement VDI support for TT video... read more

Posted by Roger Burrows 2016-05-21

EmuTOS version 0.9.5

Major changes:
- AES/BIOS: implement critical error handler
- BDOS: fix file not found issues with Steem hard disk emulation
- BDOS: implement Pexec mode 7
- BIOS: add alt-arrow support (mouse actions via keyboard)
- BIOS: add dual keyboard support (for Greek/Russian keyboards)
- BIOS: allow user to specify boot partition at startup
- BIOS: allow EmuTOS to recover from program exceptions in user programs
- BIOS: auto-detect multiple IDE interfaces
- BIOS: fix detection of C: drive with Steem
- BIOS: fix early stack initialization on Amiga
- EmuDesk: improve text object alignment for translated strings
- VDI: add line-A flood fill; all line-A opcodes are now supported... read more

Posted by Roger Burrows 2015-10-25

EmuTOS version 0.9.4

Major changes:
- Compile with -O2 by default for best optimization.
- New emutos-m548x-bas variant to support BaS_gcc on ColdFire Evaluation Boards.
- Less RAM usage: 94 kB saved from previous release.
- EmuDesk: Added feature to display text files.
- EmuDesk: Added feature to move files/folders with Control key.

Other changes:
- Renamed the emutos-m548x variant to emutos-m548x-dbug to avoid confusion.
- BIOS: Fixed floppy drive motor remaining on if there was no floppy.
- BIOS: Do not disable IKBD mouse and joystick on startup.
- BIOS: Added basepage information in panic messages.
- BIOS: Added missing standard ST glyphs from the 6x6 system font.
- BIOS: Fixed _FDC cookie initialization.
- BIOS: Improved floppy routines and media change detection.
- BIOS: Fixed application cartridge initialization address on 32-bit address bus.
- BIOS: Limit IDE interfaces to 1 for non-Firebee hardware.
- BDOS: Check for special device names in Fopen() and Fcreate().
- BDOS: Do not check Fopen() mode (R,W,RW) in Fread()/Fwrite() - just like Atari TOS.
- BDOS: Fixed file date/time incorrectly changed by a cross-directory rename.
- VDI: Select right default fonts, according to vertical screen resolution.
- VDI: Fixed aspect ratio values returned by v_opnwk().
- VDI: Fixed crash due to text blit outside screen area.
- VDI: Fixed v_pieslice() & v_ellpie() which did not draw small slices.
- VDI: Fixed vqt_extent() output for 270° rotation.
- VDI: Fixed vst_rotation() to behave like TOS3/TOS4.
- AES: Improved File Selector.
- AES: Make most dialogs inner border 1-pixel wide.
- AES: Fixed bug that caused accessories to stop responding after a few resolution changes.
- AES: Fixed alert buttons which could overlap icons.
- AES: Fixed 7up hang on exit.
- EmuDesk: Always display file/folder countdown when copying/deleting.
- EmuDesk: Improved error messages.
- EmuDesk: The total number of items in all open windows is no longer limited to 400.
- EmuDesk: Allow desktop copy/delete operations to be interrupted by UNDO key.
- EmuDesk: Increase horizontal spacing for window icons in some resolutions.
- EmuDesk: Fixed the width of the menu items in all languages.
- EmuCON: 'type/cat' can now display correctly files with UNIX line endings.
- EmuCON: Added 'more' command.
- EmuCON: Allow the user to interrupt 'cp/mv' commands.
- Lots of various improvements and bugfixes.

Posted by Vincent Rivière 2015-03-06

EmuTOS version 0.9.3

This release is almost identical to the 0.9.2 one.
Only emutos-aranym has been updated to fix a regression with IDE disk images.

Posted by Vincent Rivière 2015-03-06

EmuTOS version 0.9.2

A new version of EmuTOS is available:
- Added most Line-A functions.
- Added support for poweroff on the FireBee.
- Added support for SD/MMC Cards on FireBee, including hot swap.
- Improved IDE and CompactFlash support.
- Added support for the FireBee external 2"1/2 IDE connector.
- Improved ACSI support (including SCSI via converter).
- Fixed compatibility with fVDI (including aranym.sys).
- Fixed intermittent problems booting emutos-ram.
- Improved determination of disk capacity & blocksize.
- Improved detection of FAT12 / FAT16 / FAT32 partitions.
- Improved media change detection.
- Improved XHDI support.
- Handle all valid DOS FAT end-of-chain markers.
- Speed up a few VDI functions.
- Fixed AES PATH environment variable and shel_find().
- Fixed AES shel_find()/rsrc_load() search order, like TOS3/TOS4.
- Fixed AES sh_ldapp() application directory.
- Fixed AES appl_trecord() & appl_tplay().

Posted by Vincent Rivière 2014-02-21

EmuTOS version 0.9.1

A new version of EmuTOS is available:
- Added support for the ColdFire Evaluation Boards.
- Added 256 colour support for VIDEL systems.
- Added new EmuCON2, with TAB completion.
- Added support for renaming folders.
- Added the XBIOS DMA sound functions.
- Included the full-featured desktop in 192K ROMs.
- Fixed regression: FOLDR100 message on Malloc() memory exhausted.
- Improved filesystem performance.
- Added new firebee-ram target.
- Improved desktop file copy performance.
- Improved boot speed on machines with Fast RAM.
- Fixed stack issue to allow running XaAES with GEM=ROM.
- Fixed endless loop if zero divide on ColdFire.
- Fixed compilation for m68k-elf toolchain with -g.
- Added XHMiNTInfo to the XHDI handler.
- Combined file and folder information dialogs.
- Combined copy and delete desktop dialogs.
- Added support for redirecting console I/O to the serial port.
- Automatically centre desktop dialog titles.
- Reduced ROM space usage by rewriting or eliminating many routines.
- Changed icon display in desktop windows to eliminate horizontal scrolling.
- Fixed vq_chcells().
- Added support for 256 colours on desktop.
- Fixed XHInqDriver().
- Fixed mkrom.c for 64-bit build systems.
- Many internal code fixes and cleanups.

Posted by Vincent Rivière 2013-07-03

EmuTOS version 0.9.0

A new version of EmuTOS is available:
- Added support for real Falcon 030 hardware with EmuTOS-RAM.
- Added support for Amiga hardware (including WinUAE and Blizzard 1260).
- Enabled internal IDE support for all machines, including Falcon.
- Added support for hard disks with Atari or PC partition tables (or none).
- Fixed floppy support for DD and HD drives.
- Improved media change detection.
- Added support for Falcon and TT SCC serial port.
- Many file selector improvements, including drive buttons.
- Fixed support for Hatari extended VDI screens.
- Use the default boot video mode if the NVRAM value is unsupported.
- Center the welcome screen vertically.
- Fixed the welcome screen key repeat bug when booting FreeMiNT.
- Changed GEM alerts to conform to standard TOS alert line length.
- Always center dialogs, even with high resolutions.
- Implemented fsel_exinput(), now appl_init() returns AES version as 1.40.
- Fixed vq_color() & vs_color() for systems with VIDEL.
- Fixed v_contourfill() with negative index.
- Fixed crash with BIOS/XBIOS functions numbers >32767.
- Fixed Mediach() return value when there is no floppy.
- Fixed the return value of VIDEL XBIOS functions when there is no VIDEL.
- Fixed latent bug in blkdev_rwabs() when transferring >32767 sectors.
- Added Bconmap() support.
- Fixed Rsconf() return value.
- Fixed Setscreen() to clear the screen on video mode change.
- Protobt(): added new disk types and fix checksum & serial number.
- Flopfmt(): added support for the skew array introduced in TOS 1.04.
- Fixed swapping of Bcostat() for IKBD and MIDI.
- Fixed Falcon palette initialisation.
- Enabled again Mega ST clock support in 192 kB ROMs.
- Enabled the STOP instruction usage to free the host CPU in 192 kB ROMs, too.
- Enabled instruction cache, data cache and MMU on 68030.
- Fixed _SWI cookie to set high order bytes to zeros.
- Added FOLDRxxx.PRG message when internal OS memory is exhausted.
- Consistent cold/warm reset behaviour.
- Fixed EmuCON MV command to move rather than copy.
- Changed Greece country code from 18 to 31 to match the FreeMiNT standard.
- Added internal gem.rsc and icon.rsc files, with resource decompilers.
- Many internal bugfixes and cleanups.
- Added compilation support for the m68k-elf toolchain.
- Added debug symbols for Hatari in etos512.sym.

Posted by Vincent Rivière 2013-02-28

EmuTOS version 0.8.7

A new version of EmuTOS is available:
- Added full XBIOS support for Falcon and TT video hardware
- New video mode switching dialog box for Falcon and TT
- New EmuTOS variant on ROM-port cartridge
- New UK country and keyboard layout with PAL frequency
- Added potential support for non-Atari hardware
- Fixed wrong keyboard layout read from the NVRAM
- Fixed bogus _AKP cookie values
- Fixed _IDT cookie with unique language ROMs
- Use the _IDT date ordering in the default desktop
- Fixed the _SND cookie to remove unsupported bits (0.8.6 regression)
- Added support for XHDI XHNewCookie()
- Added minimal stub Blitmode()
- Fixed floprw() to be able to read multiple sectors
- Return function number rather than zero for unimplemented (x)bios calls
- Fixed VDI polygon fill
- Fixed VDI line drawing in transparent mode
- Fixed VDI to draw text underlines & perimeters in the correct colour
- Fixed VDI text scaling
- Fixed VDI line styles and arrows for thin line arcs/ellarcs
- Fixed AES sh_addpath() when there was no PATH variable
- Increased allowed number of desk accessories from 3 to 6
- Allowed up to 7 windows on the desktop
- Fixed the desktop to use "view as icons" by default
- Fixed random character at the end of desktop "view as text" lines
- Fixed alerts with no icon and a single text line
- Changed desktop alerts to conform to the limit of 32 characters per line
- Fixed the version displayed in the desktop about box for translated ROMs
- Workaround against GFA startup crash
- New erd tool for converting binary resources to source files
- New mkrom tool to build custom ROM formats
- A lot of other minor bugfixes and cleanups

Posted by Vincent Rivière 2012-06-19

EmuTOS version 0.8.6

A new version of EmuTOS is available:
- Support for FAT16 partitions up to 2 GB
- Support for the ColdFire V4e CPU (allows running ColdFire TOS programs only)
- Support for the FireBee computer
- Experimental Falcon IDE driver (currently only enabled on the FireBee)
- LMC1992 initialization on STe/TT
- Better memory detection on cold boot
- Fixed the XBIOS time functions for the various hardware clocks
- Key repeat now produces key clicks
- Improved the register dump when a program crashes
- VFAT long filenames are now safely ignored
- Support for drives from A: to Z:
- Malloc() now returns blocks aligned on 4-byte for better performance
- The BIOS console now supports the 256-color modes (but the VDI still doesn't)
- The text cursor does not blink when it moves
- Fixed the STe BIOS default palette
- Fixed the VDI default palette
- Fixed the VDI functions for drawing arrows
- Better searching for RSC files
- Added desktop support for GTP executables
- Desktop windows can be scrolled using arrow keys
- Better initial icon placement on the default desktop
- Fixed the position and size of the windows when reloading the desktop
- Allow resolution switching in ST color modes
- Fixed the BCD build date in the ROM header to DDMMYYYY format
- The 192 KB ROMs are provided again
- The special ARAnyM, FireBee, floppy and RAM versions are now provided
- Support for compilation using GCC 4.6.x
- New languages: Russian and Italian
- A lot of other minor bugfixes and cleanups

Posted by Vincent Rivière 2011-11-08

EmuTOS version 0.8.5

A new version of EmuTOS is available:
- Timeout on boot removed - hold <Shift> if you miss it
- Show boot splash screen on coldstart only
- Some GEMDOS bug fixes (e.g. double "." directory bug) and code improvements
- Some VDI bug fixes (e.g. bit-blit function, mouse init)
- Fixed Getrez() for TT shifter resolutions
- New CPUFLAGS Make variable to allow easy compilation for a specific CPU
- Fixed writing to floppy on real STe hardware
- XBIOS floppy functions now return errors codes in full 32 bits of d0
- EmuCON does not show the volume label during the DIR command anymore

Posted by Thomas Huth 2010-05-09

EmuTOS version 0.8.4

Version 0.8.4 of the Atari TOS replacement EmuTOS has been released. Following items have been fixed/improved:
- RTC detection fixed
- Return code problem of Dsetdrv fixed
- Experimental UART functions
- _SND cookie is now correctly initialized on STE
- BIOS parallel port code fixed
- EmuCON bug fixes and improvements

Posted by Thomas Huth 2008-11-16