
EMFF / News: Recent posts

EMFF 0.5 is ready!

The new EMFF 0.5 (with many new features, e.g. loading XSPF playlists) is ready and waits on you to download and use it.
Have a lot of fun! :-)

Posted by Marc Reichelt 2007-10-03

EMFF 0.5 beta is out!

After a long time (and mind-crushing bugs) the first beta of the EMFF 0.5 is out.
Please report bugs and feature requests! :-)

Posted by Marc Reichelt 2007-09-03

EMFF 0.5

The development of the new EMFF 0.5 has begun!
It will be build on a new codebase (ActionScript 2.0) and will no longer use closed source programs like Macromedia Flash.
Participation is possible - you can see the current project status on, where you can also find the latest source code. Happy hacking!

Posted by Marc Reichelt 2006-03-30