
E.I.S. - a Real Time Strategy Game / News: Recent posts

to anyone stepping by:

First : E.I.S. is not dead. Its sleeping (hibernating). All members of the team went on to do new projects. Letting me sit alone here :-(
Its still my dream to finish this project, but I dont know when. So, should you want to help - or completely takeover the project feel free to ask me (an answer from me might take a while, should I dont answer at all - ask one of the admins referring to this post if you want to takeover)
Should I still own this project in a year or two, I might have time to restart it.
Thanks for stepping by!

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2009-02-23

development still running

Since the current university-semester approaches the end, there will be soon more time for eisgame :-)

thanks for keeping tuned!

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-06-22

not dead!

We are sorry, that there has been no activity in the last weeks - we all have been very busy with our studies. Well... we still are, but we will try to continue updating more frequently.

At the moment we are working on combat features, and Artificial Intelligence based on genetic Algorithms.
Maybe we can also provide you with a Map-Editor soon. Since we have to learn JAVA at the moment, it might be a Java-Version.... read more

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-04-24

first release!

we uploaded an initial release - just testing/techdemo - but something you can play around a bit. just linux binary for now, win32 follows tomorrow.

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-03-06

new graphic for building online

just spent some more time scheduled for coding, on graphics - but the new base.png which came out, is quite nice!
have fun!

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-03-06

development slowed down - 2D-Artist badly needed! SVN Update

Wellwell, another refactoring will be required soon, but we got healthbars for the units now, the movement has been updated and several minor things were changed.
If I wouldn't be doing this all on my own(!) - Since the other stopped to to anything... X-( -
it would be a lot faster. But graphics are taking up 90% of my programming time...

edit: forgot to update the SVN. Now it's the newest version!

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-03-05

new screenshot! 2d-graphics-specialist wanted!

Well, we switched to 32x32 Sprites (to try out higher Detail).
The screenshot shows you, how far we got.
I (the programmer) made the graphics this time, since one of our graphic specialists just stopped to contact me, and the other one is on vacation.


Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-03-03

refactoring complete, new version online

the refactoring was completed, and some new features have been added:
-using mouse to navigate on the minimap
-testing HUD

but I grabled:
-unit movement & selection (just graphical problem)

I comitted what I did so far, you can try if you want...

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-03-01

feature stop - refactoring needed

Well, fast&dirty coding is fun and gives you nice eyecandy in no-time.
But your code gets messed up... really messed up.
So we called a feature stop to refactor the whole code (*ugh*), to make it more easy to read & enhance.
At the moment of feature stop the eis-engine could do:
- create a random map with a given seed
- display it on the screen (also just parts of it)
- units, which can be moved around the screen like in every modern RTS Game - mouse clicking! (incl. a*-pathfinding!)
- the units are moving smooth
- a dynamic minimap
- scrolling with the keyboard
- different resolutions 640x480,800x600,1024x768,etc.
- drawing a building on the screen
( in other techdemos: save the map to a file, play music in ogg, play sounds in wav&ogg)... read more

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-03-01

new feature

it is now possible to select more that one unit at a time, and you can do it like in every modern RTS-game: by drawing a frame around the units!
furthermore we conferenced about possible game features which included: day/night cycle, armageddon mode, recource combination, walking buildings, different species... and much more!

release is still shifted to unknown time, but I update the SVN normally every day I do coding!

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-02-27

release shifted again - SOURCE ONLINE! via SVN!

We had to shift the release again... sorry
but I think I managed to upload the code to our SVN server - so if there is someone out there who cant wait - just try to get it from public SVN.

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-02-26

release shifted to tomorrow... Reason: CF-Shutdown

We wanted to give you a win32 and as well a i386.linux binary as well. but since has shutdown the compile-farm (yea, its been down some weeks ago, we didnt know about that), we are not able to release a win32-build until Kayschi has brought back his back to life (something is messed up with the SDL-libs).
And even more, I have to go to work now - so I dont have time to make a build myself - maybe I can manage to upload the Source to SVN this evening, but I cant promise.
so, hopefully (well... certainly) we will present you tomorrow 22.02.2007 our first pre-alpha release and a working SVN system.... read more

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-02-21

pre-alpha 99% ready

Wellwell, we are almost there...
But I sadly discovered this morning, that the compile-farm was shutdown this month :-(
So some of you will have to wait, until we can build a win32-binary on our own.
Oh, and well there are still some bugs in the release - we try to fix 'em, before the release.

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-02-21

pre-alpha 97% ready

one day to go folks, my keyboard is burning hot!
the pre-alpha of ice wont feature much, but it is a techdemo with pathfinding, interface, etc.
hope you will like it!

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-02-20

pre-alpha 95% ready

well, I still havent really figured out how to use sourceforge SVN - thats why you dont see any new code up here.
But we got a release barely ready for YOU to try out (nothing special, but it works ;-)
2 more days to wait! hope you can stand it!

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-02-19

pathfinding part2

after tossing around the code for 4 hours now, i finally figured out, that the problem was in my RAM, not in the game... sheeesh
ps: expect the first techdemo-official release in the next 3 days!

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-02-18

a* pathfinding

After this a* stuff got me pretty annoyed for some time, the last few days, i've been messing around with it.
A simple a* pathfinder is already done, and will be used by the AI-players in the game for now.
For unit movement, we take a combineda a*/dumb-force algorithm, since a* eats up system recources at an unstopable exponential rate...

so long!

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-02-17


There there, we already have 3 members here (including me).
We are still waiting for some others to join - our second graphics specialist, and our second coder.

Posted by CUBE-Mod5 2007-02-15