


  • Connectivity USB Type B
  • Powered by computer via the USB port
  • P4 Molex Connectivity
  • External 5V power supply, 2.5W max
  • Automatic switching power supply
  • USB or external power supply, priority on external power supply
  • USB 2.0 compatibility - High-Speed devices 480Mb/s compatible via a USB Hub powered
  • Drivers - Mac, Windows and Linux, acquiring multi-channel audio with version 2.0 of USB Audio Class. Automatic driver installation by the operating system
    Windows require third-party driver.
  • 8 analog differential inputs - RJ11 input format, all managed as individual channels, 100kΩ load impedance, providing 5 volts for a device
  • 2 Analog stereo outputs - 3.5 mm jack output format, 10 kΩ source impedance
  • Synchronization of 8 differential inputs - All inputs synchronized between them
  • Support for standard sampling frequencies - 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz
  • Bit stream audio data - 8 input and 1 output until 24-bit 192 kHz, ENOB 22-bit
  • XSYS2 connectivity - To program the processor using the debug adapter XMOS XTAG2
  • Connectivity expansion XMOS - With I/O to add an L-type Core XMOS only for future design
  • Processor - MIPS 800/1000, 16 threads, XMOS XS1-L16A-128 processor, 50% CPU is busy to complete the acquisition audio. MIPS depend on speed grade.
  • Noise signals to the acquisition - 0.1% THD, noise Floor medium -132dBv and -112dBv maximum
  • Test points - Multiple connections test points ADC/DAC, power supply, etc.


  • Connectivity USB Type B
  • Powered by computer via the USB port
  • P4 Molex Connectivity
  • External power supply 7-36 volts, 2.3 watts to 3.2 watts maximum
  • Automatic switching power supply
  • USB or external power supply, priority on external power supply
  • USB 2.0 compatibility - High-Speed devices 480Mb/s compatible via a USB Hub powered
  • Drivers - Mac, Windows and Ubuntu, acquiring multi-channel audio with version 2.0 of USB Audio Class. Automatic driver installation by the operating system
  • 8 analog differential inputs - RJ11 input format, all managed as individual channels, 100kΩ load impedance, providing 5 volts for a device
  • Analog stereo output - 3.5 mm jack output format, 10 kΩ source impedance
  • Synchronization of 8 differential inputs - All inputs synchronized between them
  • Support for standard sampling frequencies - 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz
  • Bit stream audio data - 8 input and 1 output until 24-bit 192 kHz, ENOB 22-bit
  • XSYS2 connectivity - To program the processor using the debug adapter XMOS XTAG2
  • Connectivity expansion XMOS - With I/O to add an L-type Core XMOS only for future design
  • Processor - MIPS 1000, 16 threads, XS1-L2 processor, 50% CPU is busy to complete the acquisition audio
  • Noise signals to the acquisition - 0.1% THD, noise Floor medium -132dBv and -112dBv maximum
  • Test points - Multiple connections test points ADC/DAC, power supply, etc.


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