
EduMIPS64 / News: Recent posts

EduMIPS64 v 1.0-alpha released.

We are proud to announce the first alpha release of EduMIPS64 1.0.

EduMIPS64 is a MIPS64 CPU Simulator and visual debugger, that allows the user to see how his MIPS64 programs are executed by a MIPS64 pipeline, and how it interacts with registers and memory.

The biggest improvement from the former releases is the support for FPU operations.

This alpha is still a little bit rough, but it is an important milestone on the road to 1.0.

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2007-10-22

EduMIPS64 v. 0.5 released

EduMIPS64 v. 0.5 has just been released!

EduMIPS64 is a Java/Swing MIPS64 ISA simulator and visual debugger, that aims to help students and teacher to learn MIPS64 programming.

This new release introduces a new set of instructions, namely a big subset of the MIPS32 ISA, lots of bug fixes, new and improved manuals.

Please see the ChangeLog and the Release Notes for more info.

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2007-06-05

EduMIPS64 v. 0.4 released

the brand new version of EduMIPS64 has just been released.

EduMIPS64 is a MIPS64 ISA simulator and graphical debugger, and this new release adds these new features:
- support for interrupt handling (SYSCALL)
- PDF documentation (English and Italian)
- New parser directives (.space, .ascii, .asciiz, .word64)
- Ability to include other source files

.. and much more!

This release is going to be used as the official tool of two Computer Architecture Lab courses at University of Catania.

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2007-03-18

EduMIPS64 v. 0.3 released

EduMIPS64 is a cross-platform MIPS64 Instruction Set Architecture simulator, that aims to help Computer Architecture students to debug MIPS64 programs.

This third public release has some important features that were missing from 0.2, like the ability to stop the execution of a program and an improved error reporting system.

Please give us some feedback on the quality of this product.

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2006-07-23

EduMIPS64 v. 0.2 released

Today the EduMIPS64 team released the version 0.2 of EduMIPS64.

EduMIPS64 is a cross-platform MIPS64 instruction set simulator. It allows you to execute MIPS programs in a confortable graphic environment that lets you see the how the CPU behaves when you execute the program.

This relase is a major step ahead the version 0.1, as it fixes many bugs and introduces some new features.

Please refer to the Release Notes or to the ChangeLog to obtain more info.

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2006-06-26

EduMIPS64 0.1 released!!

we just managed to deliver the first public release of EduMIPS64, a cross-platform MIPS64 instruction set simulator inspired by WinMIPS64, with some additional features like DineroIV integration and internationalization.
If you're interested, please grab a copy and help us testing our program. :)

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2006-06-17

EduMIPS64 0.1alpha about to be released

The EduMIPS64 project is going on! Even if we haven't already released any files, we've been working very hard.

EduMIPS64 is going to be, in some ways, better than its predecessor WinMIPS64, mainly because of its clearer design and of its integration with Dinero.

We hope to be releasing the first alpha version in the next week. Stay tuned.

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2006-06-04

New web site

Hello everyone!
Our kind teacher Fabrizio Fazzino has donated us a brand new domain: .
We've just moved there the wiki, and made point to the new web site.

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2006-04-15

EduMIPS64 Wiki is now up and running!!

Thanks to mancausoft's work, our new wiki, powered by WikiMedia, is now installed in our web space! It will be our primary web site.
All EduMIPS64 developers (and potential users) should give it a look and, if needed, modify it.
We have a logo too! It's very simple, but kinda cute. :)

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2006-03-29

Hello world

Hello everyone, we're about to start in 2-3 weeks. Hopefully the mailing list will get populated by developers before the project starts.
Meanwhile, we're going to install MediaWiki in our web space, so that there will be a decent and easy-to-mantain web site.

Stay tuned!

Posted by Andrea Spadaccini 2006-03-24