
EditArea / News: Recent posts

Warning! Fake clone website!

I would like to warn everyone that the website is currently a fake website located in russia that is a copy dating of november 2007 of my personnal website.
I don't know if this website is currently dangerous, but i don't know the goal of this clone website.

The real website is

I hope this problem will be solved soon.

Posted by Toff 2009-05-28

EditArea 0.8.1

Finally word-wrapping is here!
After a 0.8 release with some bugs 0.8.1 is finally here and should be stable.
It also include new speed improvement for highlight process and word-wrapping features.

Update is greatly recommended.

Posted by Toff 2009-04-19

EditArea 0.7.3 v2

I forgot to add the edit_area_full* files to the last release. This is now fixed.

Posted by Toff 2009-03-22 and editArea 0.7.3

Well I've finally made a release for fixing the mootools 1.2 compatibility error (see changelog for full change)
Otherwise their is also to notice that the website domain has change from to for the example page

Posted by Toff 2009-03-21


**** v ****
- Fix bug regression introduced in 0.7.2 that make IE7 not working
- add Esperento translation (thanks to Olivier)
- add Coldfusion syntax (thanks to Max Leynov)

Posted by Toff 2008-09-05


**** v ****
- fix bug for firefox rendering of highlighted lines that doesn't begin with a tab
- support for browser with grandParadisio agent instead of firefox

Posted by Toff 2008-09-04

EditArea 0.7.2

**** v 0.7.2 ****
- add Chrome support
- add show_line_colors init() option for enabling syntax color display and update on the currently edited line (disable the blue bar) (default to false)
- Add Perl syntax definition file (thanks to Christoph Pinkel)
- Bug fix: there allways was an horizontal scrollbar even if the content fit in the area.

Posted by Toff 2008-09-03

EditArea released

It add Firefox 3 RC1 compatibility and reduce the size of edit_area_full.js by 13 Ko.
A read only mode has been added since the 0.7.1 release (but I've forgot to post a news about it)

Posted by Toff 2008-05-18

EditArea 0.7 released

Oups I've forgotten to post the news.
Well, this new release (that may be the last one...) offer the possibility to edit multiple file in the same instance of editarea. To see more about this feature try the 'exemple_full.html' file in the package.
Otherwise it also add spanish and slovak translation an SQL syntax definition file.

Posted by Toff 2007-10-22

EditArea 0.6.7 released

Well this made a long time since the last release. This release is mainly a bug fix that alos include a new plugin for allowing later syntax selection (there si 5 new syntax definition available)

Note: v 0.6.5 and v 0.6.6 have been private release (change log is regrouped in v 0.6.7)

Posted by Toff 2007-04-11

EditArea 0.6.4 released

A new release again...
Add the possibility to replace tabulation by a given number of space, add Dutch translation files, and make some bug fix.

Posted by Toff 2007-01-10

EditArea released

This is mainly a bug fix release. See the change log for more informations.

Posted by Toff 2006-12-21

EditArea 0.6.3 released

Here is the 0.6.3 release. It add a fullscreen mode, the possibility to use non-monospace font, many callback possibility and some bug fix. See the change log for more informations.


Posted by Toff 2006-12-19

EditArea 0.6.2 released

Well, this new release introduce the ability to work with javascirpt libraries like "prototype" and "mootools". It also fix many bugs, and add some functionnality.

Warning: there is a break compatibility on the load_callback and save_callback options (take this into account only if you were using thoses functionnalities)

Posted by Toff 2006-11-19

EditArea 0.6.1 released

EditArea is compatible with Firefox 2 and IE 7. And there is no more the limitation of calling the editAreaLoader.init() before the page is fully loaded. See the change log for more informations.

Posted by Toff 2006-11-03

EditArea released

This is a minor update. There have been nearly no changes in the code. It's mainly an addition of translation files.

Posted by Toff 2006-10-11

EditArea 0.6 released

This new release allow plugin integration. Otherwise there have been some bug fix and improvement, like better php compression and better syntax highlight.

**** v 0.6 ****
- add plugins possibilies
- add editAreaLoader.insertTags function to allow easy tags insertion.
- improve undo & redo functionnality
- improve php compression: "edit_area_full.js" is 9 Ko smaller
- improve syntax highlight regexp for quotted string. \\" or \\' (or \\\\", etc...) will now effectively close quotted string
- add scrollbars to the popups when the popup's height is smaller than the editor's height
- add japanese translation file (thanks to ISHITOYA Kentaro)
- add possibility to add line-break in toolbar ("*")
- disable gzip compression for IE (see:;en-us;Q312496\)
- bug fix: when submitting form while editarea toggled off, the post value was equals to the old content of editarea and not the visible textarea
- bug fix: under IE the editor was scrolling when pressing enter
- bug fix: when insterting text on first line there was an highlight desynchronization

Posted by Toff 2006-09-26

EditArea 0.5.3 released

This new release allow dynamic textarea content managing throught some new functions, and improve syntax definition files.

**** v 0.5.3 ****
- correct a spelling error: "toogle" become "toggle" in the whole code. This can perturb the initialization with the "allow_toggle" init parameters

- add a case sensitive option in syntax definition files
- improve html syntax definition file
- add xml syntax definition file
- add vb syntax definition file (thanks to Martin Gottlieb)
- add some function that will allow dynamic EditArea content management, taking into account if the editor is displayed or toggled off (editAreaLodaer.getValue(), editAreaLoader.setValue(), editAreaLoader.getSelectedText(), editAreaLoader.setSelectedText(), editAreaLoader.getSelectionRange and editAreaLoader.setSelectionRange()). See "javascript functions" documentation for more informations
- add a generic function (editaAreaLoader.execCommand) to allow to access EditArea's functions and datas
- add portuguese translation file (thanks to Leonardo Sapucaia)
- add compatibility to IE7 RC1

Posted by Toff 2006-09-10

EditArea 0.5.2 released

This is a bug fix release.

*** v 0.5.2 ****
- Opera improvement: text indentation is now working, and "go to line" is now working as in other browsers
- Bug fix: It was still possible to select text in search popup
- Bug fix: the "go to line" popup wasn't displaying anymore
- There was still some hard codded word in the search field => added them to translation files
- Bug fix: when multiple languages were used in the same page, there could have translation exchange between the different editors

Posted by Toff 2006-08-17

EditArea 0.5.1 released

This is a bug fix release. It fix bugs in syntax highlight optimisation, "find end bracket" process, and restore in IE the ability to move the search popup.

Posted by Toff 2006-08-12

EditArea 0.5 released

Here is the 0.5 version of EditArea. I have rewritten it nearly from scratch. There have been lots of improvement and bug fix, as well as some little compatibility break, so read the change log.
To resume the main changes:
- This project is now under LGPL.
- Allow several instance on the same page
- Faster to load, more stable, nearly no more desyncronysation in highlight mode.
- Opera 9 support (except for some little functions)
- Add a documentation in the release

Posted by Toff 2006-08-11

editarea 0.4 released

Here is the first release on sourceforge. The sysntax highlight has been imroved in speed and customization. Now you can write syntax files for the languages you want. There is currently php, javascript, css and basic html.

I hope this javascript editor will be used by someone... and I think that editarea could be very usefull in a CMS or anywhere you want to type text with tabulation and search and replace. ;-)

Posted by Toff 2006-04-21