
Skybox coloration goes awry!

  • Nick_Perrin

    Nick_Perrin - 2006-12-01

    Here is a link to a picture that explains my current problem:

    Basically, the png does not show up properly within EDGE. This also happens on some PNG sprites I've been using - One of which is a glow from the end of a flashlight that uses many levels of alpha transparency, but it shows up in game as many layers of different transparency as opposed to a smooth transition, as is seen in the original PNG. The pic above shows it all!


    • Andrew Apted

      Andrew Apted - 2006-12-01

      Looks like you are running EDGE in 16bit mode. Running in 32bit mode should fix it.

    • Nick_Perrin

      Nick_Perrin - 2006-12-02

      It says that I am in 32-bit mode (1024x768, 32 bpp) while in EDGE, and the skybox still looks like that. The config is also showing my bpp as 32-bit.

      BUT it is interesting to note that I CANNOT change the colour depth from within EDGE. It simply doesn't respond to any keys, while the resolution and fullscreen/windowed options do.


    • Nick_Perrin

      Nick_Perrin - 2006-12-02

      HEY I FIXED IT! At least for now, but it seems to be working properly and all 32-bit images show up fine. I messed around with some stuff in my video card settings, I think it was a quality/performance slider that was put too low and was overriding 32-bit with 16-bit colours for better performance.

      Whatever it was, it's fixed. Thanks for your time! If it happens again for a different reason I'll let you know.


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