
Sound issues...

  • XaviarCraig

    XaviarCraig - 2006-08-01

    Greetings, Upon installing and running EDGE, it said it needed OpenAL32.dll to run... So I downlowned that file and it still didnt work.

    Soooo... I looked for a OpenAL package installer, found one and installed it, and EDGE worked!

    EVERYTHING works perfect from what I can see at first glance.

    However there is one thing that caught my ear. For some reason sounds that monsters make sound extremely distant when they(the monsters) are farther than around 5 feet away...

    For example, I fire a gun and its moderately loud, but when a zombie fires a gun from say... ~10 feet away its about 1/10 as loud as my gun...

    It wasnt like this with my last EDGE version (1.25)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    Thank you for your time ^_^

    • Andrew Apted

      Andrew Apted - 2006-08-01

      OpenAL (Open Audio Library) is the new sound system for EDGE 1.29. It handles all the calculations (like distance attenuation) itself. Obviously it will sound different, but I never noticed a huge difference like you have.

      One thing you can try is starting EDGE with the
      -bestaudio option.

    • XaviarCraig

      XaviarCraig - 2006-08-05

      Already tried that with no avail...

      One thing that is itchin' my mind is my sound card... Its a Soundblaster live model SB0060

      It supports front right/left aswell as Rear right/left. I am too cheap to buy a decent surround sound system so I just have a pretty nice 2.0 system! However the openal package I installed was downloaded at a Soundblaster audigy website...

      I could be wrong, but I am guessing its(edge's sound system) trying put most of the sound toward the rear speaker set since its supposed to be alittle distant. However since I only use front speakers (I dont use the rear speaker port on my sound card) most of it isnt being put out...

      Kinda of like if you have a stereo music file you are playing with a sound card that is designed for stereo but you are using a mono audio jack(wouldnt matter how many speakers you had, since its a mono jack, the sounds of only 1 speaker are going to come of any/all speakers hooked up)

      I will let ya know if thats it later on... Thanks for your time anyway.

      • Andrew Apted

        Andrew Apted - 2006-08-06

        Maybe there is a control panel somewhere (or separate program) for setting up the speakers? It sounds like the computer's idea of what you have doesn't match the actual setup.

    • XaviarCraig

      XaviarCraig - 2006-08-08

      A friend had the same problem and he managed to resolve it through just hooking up an additional set of speakers to the  Rear R/L port.

      However his soundblaster live is 5 years newer than mine so I might not work... Once I dig up some headphone or speakers I will test it and find out...


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