
#27 Remove 100% covered class

Next Release

I missing menu item for quick remove all covered class on view Coverage.

Like as "Hide Unused Types" but other way round :-)


  • Marc R. Hoffmann

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Interesting idea. When would you consider a class as "covered"? The other way round of "Hide Unused Types" would be to hide all classes that have been loaded, which is not a very strong coverage limit. Maybe a more flexible filter concept is required.

  • Marc R. Hoffmann

    • priority: 5 --> 2
  • Baptiste MATHUS

    Baptiste MATHUS - 2008-01-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Yes. A filter concept would be very useful.
    For example, EclEmma makes all classes appears even if they weren't loaded and executed (maybe I misused something if it shouldn't, if so please let me know). When not loaded and/or executed, it just appears with a 0% value.

    So this filter could let us act on the percentage value, on the class FQN pattern, and so on.

    Would be great!

  • Baptiste MATHUS

    Baptiste MATHUS - 2008-01-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Err... I just noticed the "Hide Unused Types" option...
    Please don't add features quicklier than I log them, it's too ashaming :-D. Sorry for this...

    Bug the rest of the comment still stays true : a filter concept would be useful, for the package filtering for example.

    Thanks again.