
E-Cell System / News: Recent posts

E-Cell 3.2.2

We are pleased to announce the latest release of E-Cell System, 3.2.2.

The highlights of this release are as follows:

- Fixed a critical bug in ExpressionFluxProcess, ExpressionAssignmentProcess
and ExpressionAlgebraicProcess that expressions of a specific form are
wrongly evaluated.

- Fixed a major bug in SessionManager that scripts written for the previous
version of SGE backend didn't work correctly.... read more

Posted by Moriyoshi Koizumi 2011-01-08

E-Cell 3.1.107 Release Candidate 4

We are pleased to announce the 4th release candidate of E-Cell 3.1.107. We decided to roll this extra RC as opposed to the statement of the previous release note, due to some critical errors that were found since the last release candidate.

* Note that the current releases cannot be built with the recent system that has libtool 2.x installed because of the incompatibility of libltdl bundled in the package, as you might notice.... read more

Posted by Moriyoshi Koizumi 2009-04-05

E-Cell 3.1.107 Release Candidate 3

We are pleased to announce the third release candidate of E-Cell version 3.1.107. This will be the last release candidate if no major problems remain.

You can download the source archive from the following location:

Win32 binary package is also available:

Starting with this release, you can build and run the GUI sesion monitor on Intel Mac.... read more

Posted by Moriyoshi Koizumi 2009-03-11

E-Cell 3.1.107 Release Candidate 2

The second release candidate of E-Cell 3.1.107 has been ready for download. A number of bugs are addressed in this release.

Posted by Moriyoshi Koizumi 2009-02-06

E-Cell 3.1.107 Release Cadidate 1

This is the first release candidate of E-Cell version 3.1.107, which will be the last release of 3.1 series and thus has to be considered to be a temporary measure.

This release contains the fix for the compilation problem with the recent gcc, especially one that come with Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and Fedora 10.

About E-Cell system:
E-Cell System is an object-oriented software suite for modeling, simulation, and analysis of large scale complex systems such as biological cells. It allows many components driven by multiple algorithms with different timescales to coexist in a model. Please refer to for detail.

Posted by Moriyoshi Koizumi 2009-02-05

E-Cell 3.1.106 released

After months of full time dedication to quality assurance, ecell-3.1.106 is finally released.

You can download the source from the following location:

The major changes since the last release mainly involve Windows build systems. Now win32 and win64 native builds fully work using the Visual C++ compiler. In addition, the Cygwin build is also production quality.... read more

Posted by Moriyoshi Koizumi 2008-02-04

E-Cell 3.1.106 Release Candidate 2

We are proud to annouce the second release candidate of the upcoming release, 3.1.106. A few bugs were fixed for better compatibility with older systems like rhel5.

We are not going to place binary packages this time on, as now we have set up the repository that can be directly specified in the configuration files of your package manager (wow!)

Instructions for the packages are explained in a separate page: read more

Posted by Moriyoshi Koizumi 2007-12-24

E-Cell 3.1.106 Release Candidate 1

We are pleased to announce the latest release of the E-Cell 3.1 series, 3.1.106rc1. In this release, lots of minor problem have been addressed and fixed.

It will be appreciated that you try this release candidate, and report us any remaining problem that should be fixed before the final release of 3.1.106.


* Updated bundled libtool script for better compatibility with MacOSX and similar systems.
* The users manual is now bundled in the distribution.
* Improved dynamic priority queue. (Koichi)
* Support for the newest NumPy release in ecell.Analysis . (Kazunari)
* Numerous minor bugfixes. (Moriyoshi)
* Added two new functions, libecs::initialize() and libecs::finalize(). Those functions need to be called before using the simulation kernel or after finished up with it respectively. Users don't have to take care of this change as long as they are using E-Cell through the Python frontends because these functions are automatically called on start-up and clean-up of pyecs module. (Moriyoshi)... read more

Posted by Moriyoshi Koizumi 2007-12-16

Version 3.1.105

Dear E-Cell users,

We are pleased to announce the release of E-Cell Simulation
Environment Version 3.1.105, after more than a year of work since the last release in January 2005.

All users are recommended to upgrade to the latest version.
Although we plan some more beta releases before the stable version 3.2,
we believe the software is reaching a fairly usable state for many
simulation projects.

Improvements introduced in this version include the following:... read more

Posted by Nathan Addy 2006-06-14

Version 3.1.102

Dear E-Cell users,

We are pleased to announce the availability of version 3.1.102 of E-Cell Simulation Environment.

All users are recommended to upgrade to the latest version.
Although we plan some more beta releases before the stable version 3.2, we believe the software is reaching a fairly
usable state for many simulation projects. For features
that are considered criteria of release of version 3.2 and missing from the current version, please visit this page and look for items with priorities higher than six: read more

Posted by Takeshi Sakurada 2004-06-02

Version 3.1.98

Version 3.1.98 out. see the release note.

Posted by Takeshi Sakurada 2003-09-06

Version 3.1.96

E-Cell Simulation Environment

Version 3.1.96 (Hekkorina -- the last lady of hekk-kingdom)

Release Note

E-Cell Simulation Environment Version 3.1.96.
This is a beta release toward the stable version 3.2.

RPM packages are built and tested on:

RedHat Linux 9 with Boost Version 1.30 and Numeric Python 23.0

Some key changes from 3.1.95

- Changed System::Volume -> SIZE, and SIZE is now a Variable

- Deprecated Variable::getConcentration().
Use Variable::getMolarConcentration() instead.
getNumberConcentration() is also available.... read more

Posted by Takeshi Sakurada 2003-07-16

Version 3.1.93

This includes a critical bugfix for the Gillespie-Gibson module (NRStepper/NRProcess).

Posted by Koichi Takahashi 2003-04-01

Version 3.1.92

Version 3.1.92 (Hek-noname)

This is a pre-release of version 3.2.

Posted by Koichi Takahashi 2003-03-18

Version 3.1.6

E-Cell SE Version 3.1.6 (Hekkhouse)

A count-down release toward version 3.2.

Posted by Koichi Takahashi 2003-02-23

CVS is ready.

The CVS of ecell project is ready now.
See for

Posted by Koichi Takahashi 2003-02-11

Version 3.1.5

Version 3.1.5 (Hekk-xon)

This is not a new release, although the latest as of now.

Posted by Koichi Takahashi 2003-02-11

ecell@Sourceforge site opened.

A new development site of E-Cell System has been opened. We are now waiting for our cvsroot to be processed and made ready by a sf site admin. We'll soon make a new release (version 3.1.6). We are now running toward the next major release (version 3.2), which is the first stable version for E-Cell Simulation Environment Version 3.

Posted by Koichi Takahashi 2003-02-11