
#17 eboard 0.9.5 - x86_64 GUI crash fix


When eboard is compiled on x86_64, trying to access
the preferences item, "find text", and most other GUI
dialogs cause eboard to crash.

The reason is that the eboard 0.9.5 code uses a
varargs function GTK::show to call gtk_widget_show.
The last argument should be the NULL pointer. The
developer uses the 0 synonym for NULL - which is
almost always correct, unless it is used as an unnamed
argument for a varargs function... Now 0 is expanded
to a 32-bit value, instead of a 64-bit one, crashing
eboard. The thread at
08/msg00973.htm is informative.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    x86_64 GUI crash fix for eboard 0.9.5

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I forgot to note the same problem also affects
    PatternBinder::add, both at 0.9.5 and at the CVS code. This
    is trivially fixed in the same manner as the patch below.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I forgot to note the same problem also affects
    PatternBinder::add, both at 0.9.5 and at the CVS code. This
    is trivially fixed in the same manner as the patch below.

  • Felipe Bergo

    Felipe Bergo - 2006-10-26
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • assigned_to: nobody --> bergo
    • status: open --> closed-accepted

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