
#63 Editing games and file handling.

Rami Lehti

First allow me to vent a little my frustration about eboard's file handling. Just skip to the solution I suggest if not interested.
Right now the handling of PGN games in unintuitive and difficult.
To even view a game you must go to Windows -> Games on Client
Then click Load PGN. Select a file. Then it appears in the menu. Then you must click the game. Then click Display game. (Double click does not display the game)
To edit a game one must copy it to a scratch board where move list is gone. Legality checking, even when on, does not work.
Almost all other programs have a File menu for handling files. Or at least expect to find it in the leftmost menu. This is what users expect.

OK rant is over. Below is a description of what I want to be able to do in eboard.
Rename Peer menu to Game. Put all file related activities there (New game, Open, Save, Revert). I'll walk you through a typical session. I click Open in the Game menu. Select a file. If there is more than one game in a file a menu is displayed to allow me to select a game. By default the first game is selected and displayed even without me clicking anything. If I click another game then that is displayed.
Then I can edit the game anyway I like. Make moves in any part of the game. This may lose moves made after that part in the game. If I don't like the changes I can revert the situation to what is stored on disk. Move legality checking works normally. Move list is updated as the moves are made like in a normal game. Then I can save the game to a file. Even the same file that I loaded without another game being created in that file.


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