
EasyWYG site manager / News: Recent posts

Project on Hold

EasyWYG has been put on hold. Due to various reasons and other commitments, the lead project developer has temporarily stopped the development of EasyWYG Site Manager. Development should resume in about a month.

Posted by Andrew Klofas 2005-06-18

Development status ontask

I just took a look at the statistics for the last week of EasyWYG and was very surprised at the number of hits we recieved in the few short weeks we've been on SourceForge!

EasyWYG's development status is still ontask for a mid-June rollout. We are currently working on the SiteManager aspect which is turning out beautiful. We are using JavaScript as our main driving engine with PHP in the background quietly supplying the data.... read more

Posted by Andrew Klofas 2005-05-25

Looking for developers

Wow, we are finally on SourceForge!
If you would like to help out in any way, aim me:

Posted by Andrew Klofas 2005-05-13