
EasyStruts / News: Recent posts

New EasyExplorer Eclipse plug-in release 1.0.4 available

A new version of EasyExplorer is available. This version supports Eclipse 3.1 and runs now on Win32, Mac and Linux!
Rate us at

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2005-04-26

New home page

We have just released a new home page.
Check it out!

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2005-04-13

EasyStruts port to Eclipse 3.x is in progress

With Eclipse 3.02 well deployed, and Eclipse 3.1 arriving, wee are porting EasyStuts to Eclipse 3.X. Stay tuned for a new release coming soon!

Posted by Philippe Ombredanne 2005-04-07

Easy Struts 0.7 RC1 is available

Easy Struts 0.7 RC1 is available :

- Tiles 1.1 support
- Resource out of sync fixed, ressources are now refreshed.

This a RC1, not all the functionnality working.
This is for public review of Tiles Editor.
Src are availble in CVS repository.


Posted by Emmanuel Boudrant 2003-04-26

Easy Struts compatible with Eclipse 2.1


Easy Struts 0.6.4 just released. Here the changes log :

- Eclipse 2.1 Compatible (build with Eclipse 2.1 RC-1)
- Improve XSLT errors management
- Improve add Struts support operation
- Struts config tree is now sorted
- XML elements message-resources/plug-in respect DTD order
- Minor fix...

Next major version will include a Struts Tiles editor and fix problems concerning Struts modules management.... read more

Posted by Emmanuel Boudrant 2003-03-15

[INFO] Easy Struts & Eclipse 2.1

Current version of Easy Struts (0.6.3 and <) does not work on any Eclipse 2.1 build.

The next version will rock&work on Eclipse 2.1...

The new feature I want to add are :

- Struts refactoring
- Support for Tiles

But priority is make Easy Struts for Eclipse 2.1


Posted by Emmanuel Boudrant 2003-02-24

Easy Struts and XDoclet

I'm thinking about integrate XDoclet engine inside Easy Struts.

The first step is the creation of XDoclet tags inside generated classes.

If you've got some idea ;)

Posted by Emmanuel Boudrant 2002-12-04

Easy Struts updates

First, thanx for all Easy Struts users ;)

Developpement will continue with. We have a new JBuilder developper (Nicolas Delord) so the OpenTool version will be updated .

The Eclipse version will be updated too with more support for WSAD (I just get the beta).

By the way, I just checked JBuilder 8 struts support. JBuilder 8 ONLY support Struts 1.0 application, the editor isn't powerfull than Struts Console...... read more

Posted by Emmanuel Boudrant 2002-11-28

Easy Struts 0.6.1 Eclipse plugin available

Easy Struts 0.6.1 was just released, all the wizard was refactored, a Struts view was
added and Struts 1.1 modules are supported.

Easy Struts Features :

- Easy Struts plugin can be used with most popular J2EE plugin like
Sysdeo TomcatResin, Lomboz... (or simply a Java project).

- Provide Struts configuration editor for Struts 1.0 and Struts 1.1 files.

- Now use XSLT generation.

- Provide a global view of any Java project with Easy Struts support.... read more

Posted by Emmanuel Boudrant 2002-11-12

Easy Struts 0.6 for Eclipse available

Change logs:

- Refactoring of all wizard
- Add exception and module wizard
- Easy Struts multi-project view (Struts config, module and document root browsing)
- Editor compatible Struts 1.1 and 1.0
- Full support for Struts 1.1 modules (use of declaration in web.xml)
- XSLT generation

Posted by Emmanuel Boudrant 2002-11-09

Next release soon : Eclipse &amp; JBuilder

Next Easy Struts Release will be available for JBuilder and Eclipse.

- XSLT generator
- Refactoring (easy to add other IDE support)
- Struts Explorer View added in Eclipse version.

Problem can't be resolved : JDom.jar conflict with some JBuilder tools (EJB Builder...)

Available current November.


Posted by Emmanuel Boudrant 2002-10-27