
#90 Ignore directories when compiling


I have source directories in my Perl project, the contents of which I have no control over. This source, when compiled, yields well over 100 compiler warnings (function/variable redefinitions), but actually runs fine. It would be nice to have a way to tell EPIC to "ignore" this directory (e.g., not syntax-check its contents). This would:

1. Shorten the Error/Warning list considerably, allowing me to focus on the problems I have control over.
2. Speed up EPIC's syntax checking by having it work on fewer files (and not on files with over 100 warnings!). The syntax checking can be slow at times (on my machine at least), so this would help with that problem.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-02-22

    This would also be helpful to ignore branches/tags directories, where you may not control all the code in there. Indeed, the code may be in a known-to-be-broken state. It just isn't helpful to whine about syntax errors in fifty branches, when my trunk is clean.

  • Jan Ploski

    Jan Ploski - 2012-02-25
    • status: open --> closed
  • Jan Ploski

    Jan Ploski - 2012-02-25

    Implemented in 0.6.42

    This feature is now at "Project Properties > Perl Ignored Paths" where you can enter prefix patterns such as "branches" or "*.t" or "some/dir/*". The list is stored in file .ignorepath in your project's root directory (this file doesn't exist/is removed when there are no paths to ignore). The effect is that the files with matching paths are not syntax checked at all - not even when you open them in an editor directly.


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