
Package Collapsing?

  • Jason Thompson

    Jason Thompson - 2008-10-08

    Is there a way I can configure EPIC to allow me to collapse a package.  Or perhaps a way to add "regions" into my perl code the way I can do in Visual Studio .NET?  It is irritating not to have this feature as I'm spoiled to it in Visual Studio .NET.

    • Jan Ploski

      Jan Ploski - 2008-10-08

      Currently there is no support for folding anything else than subroutine bodies in EPIC. Folding of packages has some conceptual problems in general, given that you can switch from one package scope to another not just multiple times within a single source file, but even within a single block. Strictly speaking, packages do not have block structure.

      However, it would be possible to implement folding for top level packages, by assuming that such a package continues until another top-level package declaration or end of file. Is that what you mean?

      The "regions" or manual folding (I don't know VS .NET, but there is support for this in vim) would most probably have to be implemented in the Eclipse platform rather than in EPIC's Perl editor. As far as I know, there is no such feature available. You may wish to look at the Eclipse bug/feature tracker and possibly request it there.


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