
opening files with no extension

Saeg I Ned
  • Saeg I Ned

    Saeg I Ned - 2003-06-29


    i downloaded epic today and tried it on one of my perl projects. it worked fine with the *.pm files. but in that project the (main)program file doesn't have a file extention so it wasn't recognized by the epic-perl editor. i added an entry to window-preferences-workbench-file associations: namely the program name and selected epic as the associated editor for it. in the navigator the file is now shown to be associated with epic (camel icon is shown) but when i doubleclick the file the following error message occours:
    "File Changed:
    The file has been changed on the file system. Do you want to load the changes?
    it doesnt matter if i click yes or no the only thing the editor-window shows is ERROR
    it works well if i rename the file to but that isnt really what i want to do.

    i'd apreciate any help
    so long

    • Jochen Ruehl

      Jochen Ruehl - 2003-07-07


      sorry that it took so long to answer (I was on vacation).
      Opening files without extension is really a problem both in Eclipse and the
      editor plugin itself.
      We are looking for a solution (others reported this as well) but could not
      find one.
      So for the time being I really have no solution for you, sorry about that.


      • Manni

        Manni - 2007-03-07


        has the situation changed in any way in the last three years?

        I can associated file names with Epic's editor, but I still seem to be unable to to Eclipse to open any file without an extension with Epic. Anything new here?


        • Jan Ploski

          Jan Ploski - 2007-03-08

          This feature request you mention is tracked here:

          The required enhancement in the Eclipse workbench has not been implemented so far (note that it has been open for over 3 years on the Eclipse side).

          • Manni

            Manni - 2007-03-09

            Thank you very much for the clear answer, Jan. I guess this will severely influence my file name practices.

            Oh well,


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