
Extending EPIC - Add a Palette

  • webwhysguy

    webwhysguy - 2006-12-19


    I would like to customize/extend EPIC by adding a Palette to the Editor in order to insert code snippets, etc. (e.g., html, forms, cgi, custom).  Is this a feature that's planned, already available, or one that someone has already started?  If not, I could use some guidance on where to start, both in terms of the  best approach and the area of the source code that would need to be modified/extended (i.e., where to add a new PalleteViewer to the editor's composite, etc.).

    Thanks in advance.

    Take Care,
    - Billy

    • Jan Ploski

      Jan Ploski - 2006-12-19

      This feature is not planned, not available, not being worked on. I'm also don't think that it fits in the scope of EPIC, and there might be alternatives worth considering (are you aware of the current support for code templates?) You mention a PaletteViewer, which is a term from GEF. However, the PerlEditor in EPIC is not a GEF editor. We currently don't have any dependency on GEF, and I don't think it would be desirable (the JDT editor, which is a sort of a role model for EPIC, does not use GEF nor palettes either). Perhaps your intended extension could be implemented by simply adding buttons to the toolbar instead of a GEF palette.


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