
#129 Syntax Coloring wrong after Perl formats

Editor (234)


a few minutes ago I tried to upgrade my EPIC from 0.3.8
to 0.3.10, but after having updated it, one of my
report scripts that uses Perl formats did not get
colored the right way any longer.

In fact, all code following the first line
"format stdout_top ="
is marked blue as it would be a text/string.

After falling back to EPIC 0.3.8 Perl formats work ok

So long,



  • LeO

    LeO - 2005-02-01

    Logged In: YES

    A quick test and I cannot reproduce the problem. Please
    attach the file (before formating). Colour description are
    useless, cause they are associated with specific Types.
    Better way would be to say all are marked as Literal1,
    Literal2, Keyword1, etc. (see Preferences).

    As a workaround, what should defenitely work is the
    Window-strategy: Close and reopen, then it should be
    displayed correctly.

  • Thomas Schnuecker

    Logged In: YES

    Ok... I can reproduce it... also after replacing version
    0.3.8 by 0.3.10 again and restarting eclipse several times
    (I did not try to shutdown my WinXP completely and reboot...).

    Now it's "blue" or maybe "violett" (sorry but that's the
    best I can say, no idea about color types) starting at L68C3
    up to L116 last character.

    Please find the file attached.



  • Thomas Schnuecker

    Reporting tool

  • Thomas Schnuecker

    Logged In: YES

    After playing around with the preferences.... I finally
    found it...

    This section I mentioned before (L68C3 to L116end) is marked
    as literal2.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2005-02-01

    Logged In: YES

    In the 0.3.10 '@<<<<<<<<' is treated as HERE-documentation.
    HERE-documents start with '<<' and the following chars are
    treated as 'Label-sign'.

    IFFFF you look closer, then you'll see the coloring is wrong
    BEFORE the Format source => has nothing to do with 'Format

    Magically the format ends also, frankly said: 'don't know
    why' ;)

    Could you send me an email how to specify correctly
    distinction between HERE and @<<<<<<<<?

  • Thomas Schnuecker

    Logged In: YES

    I think one could distinguish the different types from
    another this way:

    if you have a line starting with "format" than the following
    text has to be handled specially up to a "." at the
    beginning of one of the following lines.

    Perhaps there's a possiblity to color these special "format"
    characters (I think these are @, <, >, |, #, 0, maybe some
    more) in one way, variables as usual and all other should be
    colored as literal1 (because all other characters are
    printed as typed).

    For details about the different character- or text types in
    a "format" section please refer to "perlform" POD.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2005-02-01

    Logged In: YES

    BUTTT if it's like a simple start-end without special
    options, you could easily try it in the perl.xml. It must be
    same as a regular quote-spaning. Search for >"< in the xml
    and try to make the same.

    That's the only way I see, it would work easily (without
    further testing). Would be of interest, what your results
    with 0.3.10 and modified perl.xml are.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2005-02-03

    Logged In: YES

    I've tried little bit around and you could fix it in the
    perl.xml. Nevertheless it appears to be another problem,
    cause 'format' should be surrounded by *whitespaces*,
    otherwise it makes no sense for colouring. => Some work has
    to be done.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2005-02-03
    • assigned_to: nobody --> leo_forge
  • LeO

    LeO - 2005-02-07
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • LeO

    LeO - 2005-02-07

    Logged In: YES

    Sources for fixing this problems are already in CVS (incl.

    => in next release fixed (if you like to have it earlier,
    download the sources, compile your own editor.jar and it works)


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