
#109 Source formatter does not make tabs 4 column wide

Editor (234)

When i press [ctrl]+[shift]+[f] (format source), I get 8
columns wide tabs in the source, and not 4 columns,
although i tried to force it to make (the default) 4
columns, by passing -i=4 to perltidy.

If I change -i=4 to for example -i=3, it works, the
sources are formatted using tabs that have only 3

This happens on both E-P-I-C version 0.3.0 and 0.3.8
Eclipse Version: 3.0.1
Perl Version: 5.8.4
PerlTidy Version: 20031021
Using Linux.

Note that if I run perltidy by hand on the same sources, it
formats them good, so I suspect something is wrong
when calling perltidy to format the source from E-P-I-C.


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  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    Hm', I've tested it once again, and still I'm not able to
    reproduce it.
    To handle further I need the following:

    1) Sample script, which will be formatted the wrong way.
    2) Export of the preferences in Eclipse
    3) for the option -l=130 I need the Eclipse log-file,
    located in workpace/.metadata/.log, since there occurs an

    Please attach all three files to this Bug. I'm only
    interested in EPIC 0.3.8. If below, then I ignore it.

    Also note: the perltidy version used in EPIC is 'built-in'
    and does not use the perltidy-external!!!

  • George Nistorica

    Sample file that is not properly formatted (open it with any other editor to see)

  • George Nistorica

    Screenshots of the config. I don't know how to "export" the configuration

  • George Nistorica

    This is the exception i get when running eclipse. There is no log file in workspace/.metadata , just version.ini

  • George Nistorica

    log file

  • George Nistorica

    Logged In: YES

    I partially provided you the info that you requested.
    1) there is a sample script formatted by e-p-i-c. edit it with
    another editor first, to see the actual results.

    2) i don't know how to export the preferences, so i provided you
    screenshots found in an .tar.gz archive of the configuration

    3) i found the log file, i will attach it.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2004-12-09

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry, still cannot reproduce it. The file remains with the
    1 resp. 2 tabs, it will not be formatted as 4 tabs. And
    frankly said, do not know where to search for. The export
    preferences is on the Preference-screen. Even on your
    screen-shots you could see it.

    The only thing I could do is about the -l=130 bug - which
    could be really a problem. But here I need more information:

    - Where is the cursor located when you start your
    Source-format? Give me cursor-position of the line
    - Can you somehow interpolate with which l it works and with
    which not? Attach the formated file with the largest working l

    I'm running on a XP, with Perl 5.8.4. Perhaps there is a
    difference between XP and Linux, what I don't believe.
    Especially since you say, it's also reproducable on w2k. So,
    only about the tiny issue with -l=130 I could do something!

  • George Nistorica

    Logged In: YES

    About the tabs issue. I think there is still a
    _misunderstanding_. I don't say that if I type a [TAB] in the
    editor there is no tab character. It is. But tabs have different
    sizes (4 spaces, 8 spaces and so on.) Here is where perltidy
    comes into play: by default, it makes tabs look like 4 spaces.
    In the E-P-I-C Editor, they look like 4 spaces, but when you
    save the file and open it with any _other_ editor, the tabs look
    like 8 spaces insead of 4. Even if you try to force perltidy to
    format tabs like 4 spaces, it doesn't work.
    Any other number works.

    I will provide you the requested info ASAP.

  • George Nistorica

    Logged In: YES

    When i am on line 10 (code: sleep 1) i get the exception

    I tried the following values for -l:
    130, 120, 100, 80, 50, 30, 10.
    I get the exception with all of them.

    I will attach the preferences export.

    Note that I upgraded to perl-5.8.5 now, and still the same

  • George Nistorica

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