
dxbx / News: Recent posts

Nearing a 0.4 release

Just to inform you : We're nearing a 0.4 release, which will contain a new symbol scanning engine (including tooling to create symbol patterns for specific titles and/or missing SDK library versions), pixel shader emulation and many many bugfixes.
Hopefully we can wrap up the work in a few weeks time, so we currently expect to have this release finished & available around november 2010.

Stay tuned!

Posted by Patrick 2010-10-08

Dxbx 0,3 Released

New version of Dxbx is out now.
Controllers config is working, and controllers are working during emulation.

Games still not fully playable, but some games shows screen or even intro movies ( like rayman arena ).

Homebrew is getting better and better..

Posted by henkjan 2010-07-15

Dxbx has been released

Here it is, the christmas realease of dxbx.
Lots of progress has been made since the last official release of

Cxbx support, ported dll`s and also a filled xdktracker.

Turok runs the intro movie when you sellect the use of Cxbxkrnl dll.

Posted by henkjan 2008-12-24

Dxbx help wanted

Dxbx is an Xbox emulator for Windows XP written in Delphi, and we're looking for help;

We are in need of enthousiast & knowledgable Delphi developers. See here for details :

Also, we've started a small Wiki where we'll document our progress -

We hope to hear from you!

Posted by Patrick 2008-05-30