
DWPL / News: Recent posts

DWPL 2.6.0 is out now

A new stable release of DWPL 2.6.0 with exciting new features
and serious bugs fixed is now available in the Download section.

Supported Delphi versions are the usual ones:
- Delphi 7 (Professional up)
- Delphi 6 (all editions, including Personal)
- Delphi 5 (all editions)

(With Delphi 5 Standard Edition compilation of DWPL is
not possible. You need the pre-compiled units from file
dwpl260br5.exe.)... read more

Posted by Immo Wache 2004-04-04

DWPL 2.5.2 has been released

A new (unstable) release of DWPL 2.5 with some serious bugs fixed
is now available.

Supported Delphi versions are the usual ones:
- Delphi 7 (Professional up)
- Delphi 6 (all editions, including Personal)
- Delphi 5 (all editions)

Comments and bug reports are highly welcome.

Changes to 2.5.1:
This release fixes problems with the WebDemo and FtpDemo
projects in folder demos/rtl/wdosx/sockets with Delphi 5.... read more

Posted by Immo Wache 2003-12-02

DWPL 2.5.1 has been released

A new (unstable) release of DWPL 2.5 with lot of new features including XML and Web Services support is now available.

Supported Delphi versions are the usual ones:
- Delphi 7 (Professional up)
- Delphi 6 (all editions, including Personal)
- Delphi 5 (all editions)

Comments and bug reports are highly welcome.

Immo Wache (Team-DWP)

Posted by Immo Wache 2003-11-09

DWPL 2.4.2 has been released

A new stable release of DWPL 2.4 that fixes many bugs is now available. There are no new feature additions since version 2.4.1.

Posted by Laszlo Agocs 2003-11-04

DWPL 2.4.1 has been released

A new stable release of DWPL 2.4 that fixes many bugs is now available. There are no new feature additions since version 2.4.0. This is the last release from the 2.4.x branch.

Posted by Laszlo Agocs 2003-10-25

DWPL 2.4.0 is out

DWPL stands for Delphi WDOSX Project Library. This library is for creating native 32-bit protected mode DOS programs with Delphi 5-7 using the WDOSX DOS extender as the core. The goal of the library project is to make the usage of the Delphi/Kylix OpenCLX library easier and to provide support for things which are missing when using Delphi with pure WDOSX. DWPL is a open source library and (like OpenCLX from Borland) released by the GPL licence.... read more

Posted by Immo Wache 2003-09-06

DWPL 2.3.1 is here

Finally the old and horrible IDE-based build-system has been dropped completely. This also means that DWPL can now be installed anywhere and the same DWPL installation can be reused with a different Delphi version.

Supported Delphi versions are 4-7, however D4 is completely untested.

Support for cooperative threads, combo boxes and popup menus is now available and is included in this new release.

Posted by Laszlo Agocs 2003-03-05

TCP/IP stack for Delphi+WDOSX

Diego De Marco has completed the port of his TCP/IP stack from Free Pascal to Delphi+WDOSX using DWPL. For the announcement/download goto

Posted by Laszlo Agocs 2003-01-28

DWPL 2.2.0 has been released

The Delphi WDosX Project Library (DWPL), is an Open Source cross-platform library to use Borland Delphi for writing native 32-bit DOS applications e.g. for embedded systems using the WDOSX DOS Extender. Support for CLX is included, eg. forms can be designed in the Delphi IDE, etc. The new stable version has a CLX-Turbo Vision layer with support for basic controls, so a graphical Win32 app will become a text-mode DOS app using TV. Plus DWPL includes lots of other stuff to make 32-bit DOS development with Delphi flawless.

Posted by Laszlo Agocs 2003-01-26

DWPL 2.1.15 released

DWPL 2.1.15 is finally available, with full Delphi 5 support. Unfortunately for a long time we only had version 2.1.6 at SourceForge which was really out-of-date. But now new versions are uploaded regularly, there are lots of changes since v2.1.6.

Posted by Laszlo Agocs 2002-11-12

DWPL 2.1.6 released

DWPL 2.1.6 was released some days ago, finally it seems to be really usable. The CLX-TV interface got better altough there are no new supported controls in this release.
More info at

Posted by Laszlo Agocs 2002-07-30

DWPL 2.1.4 is released

DWPL 2.1.4 is now available. Finally Immo implemented the first controls for the TV-based CLX interface (label, button, list box, edit, etc.). And it really works. The release is now also available from the project site on SourceForge.

Posted by Laszlo Agocs 2002-06-01

New DWP Portal System

The DWP site (Home of DWPL) is now powered by the PHP-Nuke web portal system. We have taken this system to improve the maintainable of this site and to make it more up-to-date. We hope it improve the interaction with all DWP visitors and members of Group-DWP.

Some of the functions of this portal system are restricted only for members. So you are invited to join and to get most of this site.

The DWP-Group hope you enjoy it.

Posted by Immo Wache 2002-05-29

Welcome to DWPL

Welcome to the DWPL project at
At the moment there are a lot of things to do
until all will work perfect. Just imported the
first files to the CVS system. A first file
release will follow soon.
And don't look at the project home page. It's
only a test for the moment.


Immo (Team DWP)

(I'm realy proud
to send it from my windows PC ;-)

Posted by Immo Wache 2001-09-30