
Project: dtelnet

  • Madinou

    Madinou - 2004-05-13


    I just want to know, if someone still works on this project and if reported bugs will be fixed.

    If 'yes', I will report some minor bugs...

    Thanx in advance


    • Lorinczy Zsigmond

      Please send everything to

  • Bryan Kirk

    Bryan Kirk - 2020-01-16

    I sent some suggestions that haven't been responded to as of yet.

  • John

    John - 2020-01-16

    Hi Bryan,

    Thanks for the e-mail heads up. I have not been able to see/locate the suggestions that you sent.
    Lorinczy is the primary but I've helped out on occasion. I'm currently busy on vCardz., also on sourceforge.

    Anyway I'll help if I can but you'll need to post, or send your suggestions/comments again, they don't seem to be here. If you sent by e-mail something must have gone wrong since I received your recent e-mail but no prior one. The only post I see is the one saying there has been no response.

    I'll be sending this post to you be e-mail too if that is allowed by your profile.


  • John

    John - 2020-01-25

    Hi Bryan,
    There is a test build under Files-Beta_Build. Since this is the first build using a different compiler you'll need to test it to see if you observe the same performance with the Named Pipe utility compared with the standard release before I try to determine if the issue is really DTelnet


    • Bryan Kirk

      Bryan Kirk - 2020-01-25

      The test build performs the same as v1.3.9.

      January 24, 2020 8:04 PM, "John" < href="" (mailto:%22john%22%20<a="">> wrote:
      Hi Bryan,
      There is a test build under Files-Beta_Build. Since this is the first build using a different compiler you'll need to test it to see if you observe the same performance with the Named Pipe utility compared with the standard release before I try to determine if the issue is really DTelnet </>



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  • John

    John - 2020-01-25

    Good to know.


  • John

    John - 2020-01-25

    Hi Bryan,
    Well the news is that the two 'bug' issues, both the odd spaces and characters upon start-up and the intermittant loss of the ability to connect are both due to the Named Pipe Utility. The problems are identically replicated in PUTTY, Kitty, DTelnet and KEA. The loss of the ability to connect bug is 'fixed' by restarting the Named Pipe Utility, and happens regardless of which terminal emulator is being used. Attached screen shots for each emulator, also have log files showing the issue.


  • John

    John - 2020-01-29

    Hi Bryan,

    Enhancement requests: An enhancement needs to add more than just personal aesthetics
    1. It should have the / in the title bar and Connect menu replaced with a :.
    response: (NO real impact)
    2. When using a favorite, the file name used by it (minus the extension) should be used in the title bar
    response: (Might be nice but NO real impact)
    3. Include the ability to automatically output to a user-defined log file when it is opened/connected to a server.
    response: (There is session logging, not sure value of user-defined log file, The log can be renamed with a script, including date)
    4. Include the ability to use variables in the file name for appending the date/time/etc. to it.
    response: (Nice to have, but see #3)
    5. Include word wrapping to its window.
    response: (It is a terminal emulator, it depends on the input stream to control everything)

    Possible Bugs:
    1. It doesn't always connect to the local port assigned to a named pipe that is being forwarded via TCP. I am using the program at to do what I wrote.
    response: (tested and found to be an issue with the Named Pipe TCP Utility)
    2. Another issue that involves the connecting to a port used by the Named Pipe TCP Proxy that I linked to is that when doing so, blank spaces are shown most of the time along with the message displayed by the proxy along with some symbols. The message shown by it should be the only thing shown until the named pipe assigned to that port is being used.
    response: (tested and found to be an issue with the Named Pipe TCP Utility)

    If there is another update to DTelnet adding a significant enhancement or major need, it is possible some of the things you suggested might be added.



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