
DROID / News: Recent posts

DROID 6.1 released and new project hosting

DROID 6.1 has been released. New project hosting for the project can be found on GitHub:

DROID Mailing lists have been closed. Queries and support for the tool can now be found on Google Groups:!forum/droid-list

The DROID 7 user consultation continues over at

Posted by Ross Spencer 2012-09-07

DROID 6.01 Released

After a period of down-time DROID 6.0 has now been re-released. The tool now correctly handles the latest signature files and has been regression tested against previous files to ensure it doesn't meet the same problem again.

DROID 6.01 is the latest release of a free file profiling tool from The National Archives. You can use to manage your digital information to ensure it remains usable (see\) and to support digital preservation.

Posted by Ross Spencer 2011-02-14

DROID 6.0 temporarily off-line

DROID 6.0 has been taken temporarily off-line for a crucial bug-fix to be applied. An issue was discovered in the handling of signature file V46 which has also been taken off-line. DROID 6.0 will be made available again as soon as the problem has been identified and resolved.

Posted by Ross Spencer 2011-02-09

DROID 6.0 Released

DROID 6.0 is the latest release of a free file profiling tool from The National Archives. You can use to manage your digital information to ensure it remains usable (see and to support digital preservation.

You can use DROID to find out what versions of files you have, their size, and when they were last updated. This helps you to identify risks (and therefore plan mitigating actions). It can also help you to save money, for example by supporting data reduction.... read more

Posted by Ross Spencer 2011-02-04

DROID using YourKit to improve performance

YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler.

YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products:

YourKit Java Profiler:


YourKit .NET Profiler:

Posted by Ross Spencer 2010-11-22

DROID 5.0.3 Released

The National Archives has released the very latest version of DROID, DROID 5.0. Enhanced by the National Archives in support of the Planets project, (Preservation and Long-term Access through Networked Services, see,\). The automatic file format identification tool is freely available to download from the DROID project website.

The focus of the latest major release is improvement of previous DROID 4.0 functionality including the seamless integration of format identification and collection profiling and enhancing usability. ... read more

Posted by Ross Spencer 2010-05-18

DROID 4.0 Released

The National Archives has released the very latest version of DROID, DROID 4.0. Enhanced by the National Archives in support of the Planets project, (Preservation and Long-term Access through Networked Services, see,\). The automatic file format identification tool is freely available to download from the DROID project website ( read more

Posted by Ross Spencer 2009-06-09

DROID 2.0 development starts

The National Archives has begun development work on the next version of DROID, its automatic file format identification tool, as part of its Seamless Flow programme (see\), which is developing end-to-end processes for managing and preserving electronic records. The current version of DROID is freely available to download from the DROID project website ( ... read more

Posted by Adrian Brown 2006-11-16

DROID 1.1 released

The National Archives has released a new version of DROID, its automatic file format identification tool. DROID is being released for the first time under an open source license, and is freely available to download from the DROID project website (

DROID 1.1 incorporates a number of enhancements, resulting from user feedback, and new TNA requirements. These include:

- Enhanced signature syntax in PRONOM
- Enhanced identification algorithm to minimise multiple identification results
- Support for identifying URIs and streams
- Configuration of proxy server settings from the GUI
- Improved XML schemas... read more

Posted by Adrian Brown 2006-08-14