
#567 Incorrect buddy status "following" in roster view


Alice goes into Follow-Mode on Bob, immediately Alice sees "following" appended to Bob in the roster view.
However it is not for at least another 30 secs, that the actual following starts.

Suggestion: add new status, along the lines of "initializing follow-mode" or similar, before stating that Alice is actually
following Bob


  • Arsenij E. Solovjev

    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • Arsenij E. Solovjev

    submitted by me, forgot to login

  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2011-08-12

    Initializing follow mode should take < 1 second and not 30 seconds ? Can you please be more specific in the steps to reproduce this behaviour ?

  • Karl Held

    Karl Held - 2011-08-15

    Can be related to the Bug #3391919. Are you able to reproduce?

  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2013-03-12
    • assigned_to: Arsenij E. Solovjev
    • milestone: --> 13.3.29
  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2013-09-16
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
    • assigned_to: Arsenij E. Solovjev --> Stefan Rossbach
  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2013-09-16

    As I do not know when you had activated follow mode and your bug description is pretty poor especially on how to reproduce this bug I will close it now. With commit 609885ac8a6518b3c9c3771560989cf2d5ff2dcb editor information is retransmitted if a user finished project negotiation.


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