
TrueDownloader / News: Recent posts

TrueDownloader 0.82 released.

A stabler release has been released with bug fixes.

Posted by Sylvain Dupont 2005-02-20

TrueDownloader 0.8 released

First new version of the program with the new name. Stable and fast with some new features.
Check it out !

Posted by Sylvain Dupont 2005-01-23

Name change ! DownloadPlus becomes TrueDownloader

Following some problems with a spyware called also DownloadPlus, this open source project has been renamed to TrueDownloader, which was a no-hit in Google. Thanks to update your bookmarks !

Posted by Sylvain Dupont 2005-01-23

CVS now updated

CVS is finally working, I have been uploading all new stuff to CVS for those who want to look. Though the Web interface is still not working, I dont know the reason.

Posted by Sylvain Dupont 2003-09-21

DownloadPlus! version 0.06 release.

A improved version of the DownloadPlus download manager, has been posted. It has now a better GUI, a better FTP management and overall a more stable interface. Now supports schedulded downloads.

Check it out on

Posted by Sylvain Dupont 2003-09-14