
#376 DID's EF2000 crashes in Doxbox 64bits


DID's EF2000 crashes when loading a level in Doxbox 64bits, but it does not in Doxbox 32bits (or at least in Linux).

I was puzzled about this as recently installed the game and it wasn't working at all so I tested 0.65, 0.72, 0.73, 0.74 and svn 64bit versions, none of then worked, and I clearly recalled that 0.73 worked fine in the past and took me a while to notice that last time I was using 32bit Linux. So I downloaded the Dosbox 0.74 32bit package for my distro, and when I extracted it and added the missing 32bit required librearies, it worked out of the box.


  • Qbix

    Qbix - 2012-03-20

    Might be interesting to test if the "core" setting has an influence on this.

  • Eduardo Garcia

    Eduardo Garcia - 2012-04-17

    I have tested it, and what I have found is the following:

    On 64bit dosbox:

    normal and simple core works ok.
    auto and dynamic core does not.

    On 32bit dosbox.

    Any core setting works fine.

    Also I have seen that in 64bit dosbox with auto and dynamic cores, the game runs for a second, then dropbox output 'segmentation fault' and closes.


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