
#324 Files aren't found in some cases


I have created the following file structure on my Linux box, as a test case:


If I start DOSBox with ~/dbtest as my C:, DIR claims that C:\FOO\BAR does not contain any files. If I start DOSbox with ~/dbtest/FOO as my C:, DIR will find BAZ.TXT in C:\BAR without problem.

The bug - I'm assuming it's a bug, at least - seems to have been introduced on Wed Mar 4 21:08:22 2009 UTC ("use fast filesearch routines for directory cache"), which changed some code in drive_cache.cpp. But I don't know if that's where the problem is, or if it's in cross.cpp. Or somewhere else entirely.


  • c2woody

    c2woody - 2009-03-08

    You're right, this is broken for non-windows systems (flag checking is wrong).
    Will be fixed soon, probably along with other changes that deal with that code under linux.

  • c2woody

    c2woody - 2009-06-29

    This should be fully working in 0.73.

  • Qbix

    Qbix - 2009-10-28

    The bug has been fixed.
    Wait for the upcoming new version to see it.


    The updated source is available by cvs.

    See the link on top of the screen for information on how to get
    the new sources.

    The DOSBox Team


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