
#1354 <copyright> and <legalnotice> not enabled in <figure> and <mediaobject>

output: ePub
copyright (1)


When including information upon rights inside the <info> tag, it is transformed only in <book> or <part> context. In many books it is important to clearly print the rights attached to an image a video or a sound, when the author is not the owner of the media. In some cases it can be necessary to attach rights to a figure. In edupub cases when chunking is allowed it could also be usefull to be able to quote rights at chapter or section level. In DB the <info> tag is allowed in all those contexts; it should be possible to transform <copyright> and <legalnotice> rights wherever they can exist in DB.

The tranformation existing for <book> context should be exented to all cases. DB text :

<book xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0">
                        <imagedata fileref="Media/Images/88x31.png"/>
                </inlinemediaobject>This content is released under <link
                    xlink:href=""> Creative Commons
                    Attribution 4.0 International</link>
            <holder>CC: BY author</holder>

epub3 existing transformation in title page :

<div class="book" title="Book Template Title" id="idp54790208">
       <div class="titlepage">
               <p class="copyright">Copyright © 2015-02-01 CC: BY author</p>
               <div class="legalnotice" title="Legal Notice" id="idp54797360">
                      <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="Media/Images/88x31.png"
                      This content is released under <a class="ulink"     href="" target="_top"> Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International</a>

Many thanks for your work.
