
DPX 12-bit

  • Toke Jepsen

    Toke Jepsen - 2015-04-24

    I know this is a big ask, but would it be possible to support 12-bit DPX?

  • darbyjohnston

    darbyjohnston - 2015-05-10

    Hi Toke,

    I would like to support this at some point but it is a fair amount of work.

    The quick/hacky way to do this would be to read the 12-bit DPX and convert it to one of the existing bit depths that DJV supports; either 10-bit (losing data in the process), or 16-bit (using more memory).

    The right way would be to add support for 12-bit image data to DJV, but since that requires modifying the core imaging pipeline it would take a lot of work. I would eventually like to add support for this (and other new image types), so I've created a feature request to track it:



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