
sharing portable version between places

bon ami
  • bon ami

    bon ami - 2014-10-30

    I put the portable version on cloud, using it from two places.
    Everthing is fine except the setting file is different between the places and only the statistic part is different, something like TripCopies/Date and TotalDate/Copies.
    I would appreciate it if you remove them from the setting file (maybe to database?) or allow me to disable statistics. Thank you.

  • Maloney

    Maloney - 2014-10-30

    How would this help things? Does this cause a problem?

    When you say cloud what do you mean.

  • bon ami

    bon ami - 2014-10-31

    both the places want to save different setting files on the cloud. so there is always conflict.

  • Maloney

    Maloney - 2014-11-03

    Can you install ditto locally and just share the db between the two.

    The portable version (having a file called portable in the same directory) will always look locally for the settings file.

    If the "portable" file is not there it will

    1) first look in at the path ditto.exe is running
    2) then in program data "C:\Users\<user name="">\AppData\Roaming\Ditto\Ditto.Settings",
    3) then into the registry.

    Would any of these work?

    When you say "cloud" what does that mean?

    • bon ami

      bon ami - 2014-11-04

      I removed the protable file and moved the setting file to program data directory.
      It works.
      cloud means sth like dropbox (syncplicity actually).


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