
join/merge clips

B Wolf
  • B Wolf

    B Wolf - 2015-05-30

    Hi, I don't know if the feature is there and i just can't find it, of if it's not

    i'm looking to merge multiple clips

    as in:
    merge 1-3 into copy4

    so this is a 'if it exists, how do i do it?' if it doesn't 'feature request'


    • alex

      alex - 2015-09-03

      It's not obvious, but you you can select multiple clips and then hit paste and it pastes them all at one.
      (You can multiple select by holding shift and up/down arrow OR holding control and mouse clicking)

      It's not a merge, but maybe is close enough for what you want.

      • alexes

        alexes - 2015-09-07

        you can select multiple clips on the ditto clipboard and then "hit paste" and....what?
        no way.
        if that is true, my horrific existence in this world would have a chance - small as it be - to persist in a terrible, but more bearable state.
        BUT IT'S NOT TRUE IS IT?!!!!
        or rather, tell me it is - if you're operating an apple.
        LIES! ALL LIES!
        [but please confirm in case i'm wrong, which i often am]

  • Maloney

    Maloney - 2015-06-04

    I'll consider this for a future version.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-09-09

    This is a feature I needed and am glad to see the ability to multi-paste. The only additional multi-paste option I need is to also have the ability to be able to multi-paste in reverse order:


    This program can only be described as magnificent!

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-01-11


    As a workaround to merge clips I'm still doing:
    "It's not obvious, but you you can select multiple clips and then hit paste and it pastes them all at one.
    (You can multiple select by holding shift and up/down arrow OR holding control and mouse clicking)
    It's not a merge, but maybe is close enough for what you want."

    Is there any improvement in the lasted beta versions to true merge clipings, in the sense of the question asked in this thread? If not yet, is it on the short-term roadmap?

    Ditto is so handy and well designed. This is the only missing feature I have in mind.

    Many thanks for info,


    Last edit: Cadux 2017-01-14
  • RainrooM

    RainrooM - 2017-01-11

    I agree this would be very useful for text clips. I refer to program ClipTrap for ideas.
    Clips are merged on the go and copy can be done again. I use both together for this kind of job. But using 2 programs is not that efficient, therefore would like to see something like this in Ditto too in a smart and easy way. To me a must have which would bring Ditto to a next level.

  • SFUser

    SFUser - 2017-01-11

    I absolutely agree!

  • Glyph

    Glyph - 2018-07-17

    I came here to search for this feature and found in another thread that it already exists:

    So if you have multiple clips to combine just select them in the Ditto window and hit CTRL+C again. Now you have a new clip with the selected ones combined that you can past afterwards wherever you want.

  • RainrooM

    RainrooM - 2018-07-17

    Hey, I tested the following in Beta 3.21.245 64b portable.
    TEST1 I copied
    TEST2 I copied
    TEST3 I copied
    Then in Ditto I seleced all 3 clips and then Ctrl + C (copy) after which I got a new clip with name TEST1. Showing F3 description does not show something.
    I got 2 error messages:
    1) RTF input ended prematrurely
    2) Invalid RTF data on the clipboard

    Any help ? I still believe this feature of merging would be great for text clips....

    • Pedro Orlando

      Pedro Orlando - 2018-10-24

      I copied multiple inputs, then I opened the panel, selected them all and hit ctrl c. it worked and now I have everything I selected on my clipboard

  • RainrooM

    RainrooM - 2018-10-24

    now the order from the list is followed, even if you use ctrl and select clips not in order.
    would be better to built up the new clip in sequence of the selection done by using ctrl key.

  • Rami A.

    Rami A. - 2019-11-01

    Sorry, but selecting 2 or more lines and hitting ctrl+c doesn't seem to create a combined entry.
    Was this feature removed or broken?


    • buchta-na-pare

      buchta-na-pare - 2019-11-26

      It creates combined entry, but only in clipboard, not in Ditto (it seems), so then one can paste it somewhere, copy it and then it will appear in Ditto's list of cliboard entries. :)


      Last edit: buchta-na-pare 2019-11-26
      • Maloney

        Maloney - 2019-11-26

        If you want to have Ditto save the combined clip when pasting multiple clips - options - general - advanced - save multi-pastes = true

        Now Ditto will create a clip in it's list with the combined data.


        • buchta-na-pare

          buchta-na-pare - 2019-11-26

          tyvm ! 👍 👍 :)


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