
Please explain what the search options mean!!

Peter Wong
  • Peter Wong

    Peter Wong - 2014-08-19

    [] Search Description
    [] Search Full Text
    [] Search Quick Paste
    [] Contains Text Search Only

    I know description is limited text extracted from clip.
    What is the difference search full text and quick paste?
    What is the effect of "contains text search only"?
    What if all are unchecked?

  • 3dot

    3dot - 2014-08-19

    it is not easy for user who don't have computer language background to understand. E.g. if "contains text search only" is checked, you would still get image result when you put "cf" in the search box.

    i have opened a thread for this.


    Last edit: 3dot 2014-08-19
  • Peter Wong

    Peter Wong - 2014-08-20

    I try to answer myself. According to my test:

    1) When all unchecked, Ditto default to search description of clips.
    File copy clips has file paths in description and that will be searched.

    2) Suppose I enter 2 words (Like Hate) in the search field. If "Contains Text Search Only" is unchecked, Ditto search for clips contain both Like AND Hate. If "Contains Text Search Only" is checked, Ditto search for clips contain the single string "Like Hate".

    3) When "Search Description" and "Search Full Text" are both checked, Ditto will search the full text content of clips and won't search description of clips. So when "Search Full Text" is checked, description of file copy clip won't be searched. Only clips of CF_TEXT, CF_UNICODETEXT, Rich text format types will be searched.

    4) Quick Paste: I don't know. Always nothing match.


    Last edit: Peter Wong 2014-08-20

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