
Feature request: From double click to select to single click to select

  • Alexandre Alves

    Alexandre Alves - 2015-09-30

    just a simple feature request, make an option to change how you select from the programs menu from double click (like it is now) to single click.
    ty - Alex

  • Maloney

    Maloney - 2015-10-06

    My next task is to make all commands configurable so this would be possible. Check beck in a couple weeks.

  • Wayne

    Wayne - 2016-11-30

    Any news on this? I love the program, but having to double click is really eating into my speed, plus it gets tiring after like 30 minutes of jumping back and forth.

  • Maloney

    Maloney - 2016-12-01

    Go to options - quick paste keyboard, select "Paste Selected", then below click the add button, then select mouse click (Click should already be selected), then click the assign button.

    Now enter, double click and click will paste the clip.

    Warning, i've been updating the look of Ditto so it's going to look different.



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