
Feature Request - lowercase

  • Jack B. Nimble

    Jack B. Nimble - 2013-02-03

    Great program. I use Ditto all the time. I would love to be able to paste in lowercase on a hotkey, similar to the way you can paste plain text.

  • Eric Stiles

    Eric Stiles - 2013-07-18

    And Uppercase.

  • John SMith

    John SMith - 2015-01-15

    Please, please, PLEASE can we have the ability to paste in different cases.
    UPPERcase - most important
    lower case - useful
    Sentence case. - also useful
    Capitalised Case - alo v useful

    Many thanks


  • John SMith

    John SMith - 2015-01-28

    Bump ?

    P.S. This is rapidly becoming a deal-breaker for me. i.e. I shall be forced to defect if I cant paste into uppercase!


    Last edit: John SMith 2015-01-28
  • John SMith

    John SMith - 2015-08-19

    Any news on this?


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