
Hot Key to launch Ditto not working

Pali Madra
  • Pali Madra

    Pali Madra - 2011-09-15

    I believe the Hot Key for launching Ditto is Ctrl+~. This does not work for me
    though it use to work ealier. I'm using Windows 7.

    Has someone faced this problem? Can someone recommend a solution?

    Thanks in advance.

  • John Schelb

    John Schelb - 2011-09-15

    You can change the hotkey in the options of DITTO The hotkey is allways CTRL +
    an other key By example CTRLplus the ">" key.

  • hulland

    hulland - 2011-12-19

    None of the shortcuts I have tried work at all on Win 7 64 bit.

  • Minal

    Minal - 2014-07-08

    I have the same problem , changing shortcuts does not work.. any update on this?


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