
disser / News: Recent posts

New release 1.1.3

Summary of changes:

Classes and styles:
+ Added new bibliography styles "gost705" and "gost705s" for compliance with
new GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
- Removed "disser" and "disser-s" bibliography styles.
+ Added index style for documented source code.

+ Nomake.cmd scripts now support processing of multiple targets and compare
modification times of input and output files.
+ Added support for DESTDIR environment variable.
+ Added "bmtoeps" and "optimize" targets.
+ Added comparison of initial and optimized EPS file sizes.... read more

Posted by Stanislav Kruchinin 2009-11-06

New release 1.1.1

Summary of changes in version 1.1.1:

* Compatibility with newest version of natbib package.
+ New pagestyles that allow to change position of page numbers.
+ New option "noams" to forbid inclusion of AMS packages from the class.
+ User manual has been moved from disser.dtx to the separate file manual.tex.

* Changed separators in BibTeX labels for compatibility with hyphenated surnames.
* Fixed double inclusion of common.tex.... read more

Posted by Stanislav Kruchinin 2009-04-13

New mirrors of project repository

Due to lack of Mercurial support on sourceforge servers I've decided to host disser repository in the following places:

Feel free to visit these mirrors.

Posted by Stanislav Kruchinin 2008-12-05

New repository:

I'm sick and tired of Subversion's limitations and performance, so starting from version 1.0.5 I will do revision control using Mercurial. Public repository of this project is available here:

Binary packages of Mercurial for all platforms:

Posted by Stanislav Kruchinin 2008-05-02

Version 1.0.5 just released

Important changes in version 1.0.5:

+ Support for wrapfig package instead of obsolete floatflt.
+ Many improvements and bugfixes in makefiles.
+ Documentation: added index of commands and lots of new descriptions.
+ New make targets: pdf_book and ps_book, that provides
booklet makeup (useful for abstracts).
* Fixed bug with star versions of \section-like commands.

- No more srcltx by default because it is not included to the base TeX Live
Debian packages.
* Bachelor: added support for wrapfig package.

Posted by Stanislav Kruchinin 2008-04-28

disser package: release of version 1.0.4

Changes in version 1.0.4 (2007-11-04):

+ Wrote some documentation on class options and Makefile targets.
* Refactoring of sources and Makefiles.
* gost732 class code is no longer included in disser.dtx.
+ New option fixint={true|false}.
+ Parametrization of format for theorem-like environments.

* Appendix is now behind the Bibliography.
* nomake.cmd scripts became a stub for one common file.
Don't forget to include it to your source distribution.
+ Macros for sharing text between dissertation and abstract.
+ Changed style of second page in abstract.
+ Added \usepackage{srcltx} to make source links by default.
* Included makefiles moved to include dir.

Posted by Stanislav Kruchinin 2007-11-29