
DirectoryPass / News: Recent posts

DirectoryPass v1.6 Released!

DirectoryPass v1.6 now contains Finnish (Suomi) and Dutch (Nederlands) translations, thank you to those of you that contributed translations. We have also fixed the issue with adding new users to a directory when using other language translations.

If you would like to get more involved in the DirectoryPass project, or have some suggestions to make, please feel free to head to the forums at

Posted by 2009-10-24

DirectoryPass v1.5 In Development!

We are currently compiling plans for DirectoryPass version 1.5, these currently include the development of an AJAX drag-and-drop management interface, enabling quick directory browsing and user management.

Version 1.5 will also include a basic database so the software can remember the locations of secure directories previously created.

We are also considering adding basic file management functions to the interface which would enable the user to drag-and-drop files and directories to re-structure their file system.... read more

Posted by 2008-02-07

DirectoryPass version 1.4 Released!

We are very pleased to announce the release of DirectoryPass version 1.4!

* New multi-language interface, including French, German, Spanish, Italian and Turkish language interfaces including in one script. Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Polish and others will be added shortly. A huge thank you goes to all the contributors!

* DirectoryPass is now Windows compatible!

* Significant layout revisions and features improvements.... read more

Posted by 2007-09-04

Version 1.4 Beta Coming Soon

DirectoryPass version 1.4 Beta will be available within the upcoming weeks, v1.4 includes a new interface design and translations in numerous languages including; French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Turkish, Russian and Ukranian.

Posted by 2007-07-10