
OpenOffice integration

  • Tami

    Tami - 2007-08-17

    Hi! Great product!!! Congratulations on the work thus far!!

    In my testing of the platform for our institution's use, I came across a situation that I thought I'd send to this forum. I was testing from my laptop (Windows Vista), which has OpenOffice applications on it instead of Word, Excel, etc. When I tried to upload a presentation in the OpenOffice equivalent of PowerPoint or a doc in the OpenOffice equivalent of Word (both the doc and the presentation started off as Powerpoint and Word docs respectively), or open one of the OpenOffice applications, it wouldn't allow me to do anything. 

    So, the question I had was: given that OpenOffice is open-source, would there be any possibility of integration with Dimdim in the future?  I realize that (I think..) I could share the docs by sharing my desktop but that seemed more cumbersome than perhaps it needed to be. 


    • dimdim_uday

      dimdim_uday - 2007-08-18

      Hello Tami,
      Thank you for your interest in Dimdim and raising this request.
      Support for other Office Formats is currently Work In Progress as a "SlideDeck Enhancement"
      We shall be ready to release this within about a month's time.
      This will allow us to upload PPTs from various Office formats.
      If you would like to help conduct some acceptance tests on this feature, please let me know.


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