
Compiling from CVS

  • David Kelso

    David Kelso - 2007-09-27


    I'm getting an error when I try to compile the version of dimdim from the CVS server (from the 2.0 directory)

    I had it compiling fine from the sourceforge developer build so I'm pretty sure I have all the required dependancies installed. It only broke when I tried with the CVS version.

    It looks like it could be a classpath issue, but I'm not really sure.
    Any help would be appreciated!


         [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\dimdim\ThirdPartyPackages\OpenSourceStreaming
        [javac] Compiling 334 source files to C:\dimdim\WebApps\ServerII\tmp\WEB-INF\classes
        [javac] C:\dimdim\WebApps\ServerII\src\com\dimdim\conference\application\core\ package does not exist
        [javac] import;
        [javac]                                   ^
        [javac] C:\dimdim\WebApps\ServerII\src\com\dimdim\conference\application\core\ cannot find symbol
        [javac] symbol  : variable UIDataManager
        [javac] location: class com.dimdim.conference.application.core.DimdimInitServlet
        [javac]                     UIDataManager.initUIDataManager(path);
        [javac]                     ^
        [javac] C:\dimdim\WebApps\ServerII\src\com\dimdim\conference\application\core\ cannot find symbol
        [javac] symbol  : variable UIDataManager
        [javac] location: class com.dimdim.conference.application.core.DimdimInitServlet
        [javac]             UIDataManager.getUIDataManager().addGlobalsString("emoticons", buf.toString());
        [javac]             ^
        [javac] 3 errors

    The following error occurred while executing this line:
    Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    • dimdim_dilip

      dimdim_dilip - 2007-09-27

      Hi David,
      Some classes are moved and put into separate modules, this class 'UIDataManager' is now in ServerCommon.
      So to get compilation successfully, the ServerCommon module have to be built before hand.

      You can find the module at "v2.0\WebApps\ServerCommon\src\com\dimdim\data\application"

      Please exceute the build file present in that module which will create a jar in the thirdpary packages. which is present in class path for the main build and that should work.

      Sorry that we have not updated the build file. Will do that soon.


    • David Kelso

      David Kelso - 2007-09-27

      Thanks Dilip! That fixed the problem.
      Unfortunately I also get a GWT compilation problem.
      I think it's another classpath issue...


          [javac] Compiling 334 source files to C:\dimdim\WebApps\ServerII\tmp\WEB-INF\classes
           [copy] Copying 21 files to C:\dimdim\WebApps\ServerII\tmp\WEB-INF\classes
           [exec] C:\dimdim\WebApps\ConsoleII>rem rmdir /s /q www
           [exec] C:\dimdim\WebApps\ConsoleII>rem @java -cp "C:\dimdim\WebApps\ConsoleII\/src;../../ThirdPartyPackages/GWT133/gwt-user.jar;../../ThirdPartyPackages/GWT133/gwt-dev-windows.jar" -out "C:\dimdim\WebApps\ConsoleII\/www" com.dimdim.conference.ui.json.JSON
           [exec] C:\dimdim\WebApps\ConsoleII>rem @java -cp "C:\dimdim\WebApps\ConsoleII\/src;../../ThirdPartyPackages/GWT133/gwt-user.jar;../../ThirdPartyPackages/GWT133/gwt-dev-windows.jar" -out "C:\dimdim\WebApps\ConsoleII\/www"  com.dimdim.conference.ui.model.ConferenceModel
           [exec] Loading module 'com.dimdim.conference.ui.console.Console'
           [exec]    Loading inherited module 'com.dimdim.conference.ui.common.Common'
           [exec]       Loading inherited module ''
           [exec]          [ERROR] Unable to find 'asquare/gwt/tk/Tk.gwt.xml' on yourclasspath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
           [exec]       [ERROR] Line 3: Unexpected exception while processing element 'inherits'
           [exec] (see previous log entries)

      • dimdim_dilip

        dimdim_dilip - 2007-09-28

        I did not mention that, this is a similar problem, even the UI related code is split into two modules extracted some common stuff out.

        So you have to compile the v2.0\WebApps\UICommon, please use the build file in there. This should solve the problem.

        I would like to ask some help from your side, can you please document some steps that were missing from the build, also the installation works? (we were busy with some other important things, so did not spend much time on the sf build).
        If you can give me your inputs I will do the necessary to make this build work. So that no one else would face the same problem.

        Lets get this build working... :-)


        • David Kelso

          David Kelso - 2007-09-28

          Hi Dilip,
          Thanks for the reply - I appreciate your help!

          I anticipated that might be the problem so I ran a build on all the build.xml files I could find, including the one in WebApps\UICommon. Unfortunately it didn't fix the problem - it still gives the same error.

          I will be sure to keep track of everything I have to do and would be happy to forward the details to you when I'm done.


          • dimdim_dilip

            dimdim_dilip - 2007-09-28

            Hi David,

            First of all I appreciate the effort from your side to make this working.
            Sorry for the state of source code that is not building properly.

            I have refreshed almost the entire tree, can you try building it now. It should build fine.

            In case you still have problems please do let me know, I shall fix them.


            • David Kelso

              David Kelso - 2007-10-01

              Hi Dilip
              Thanks for the update.
              Dimdim compiles and installs now, thanks very much for the help
              However there seem to be some bugs with the version you've checked in.

              - The presenter plugins don't seem to be getting copied into the tomcat package correctly.
              - When starting a conference, I get a dialog box which says: max_participants
              - After the dialog box, nothing appears on the page. Firebug shows the following error:

              hTd.sTd has no properties
              gTd(com.dimdim.conference.ui.console.client.widget.NewConsole@25 $H=25)EAFDA9B71E9AA8E2B... (line 2060)
              yLf()EAFDA9B71E9AA8E2B... (line 3431)
              gwtOnLoad(null, "com.dimdim.conference.ui.console.Console")EAFDA9B71E9AA8E2B... (line 3432)
              run()gwt.js (line 282)

              Let me know if you need more details about the error. I know there is a way to turn off obfuscation in GWT to get better errors but I didn't know how to do it.


              • dimdim_dilip

                dimdim_dilip - 2007-10-01

                Hi David,
                I have checked from my side, I am able to build properly can you try one more thing,
                instead of using ant All, can you try using ant Clean and then build.

                If that does not work, can you please try with a fresh folder from CVS?
                I tried it from my side and it was working. I will try few other combinations from my side.


                • David Kelso

                  David Kelso - 2007-10-01

                  Hi Dilip
                  The build works fine
                  I have it running in tomcat and can access the main page.
                  The problems occur when trying to start a meeting.

                  I tried with a clean checkout from CVS and it still has the same problems.


    • dimdim_dilip

      dimdim_dilip - 2007-10-02

      I have tried again and it worked for me.
      After installation the tomcat webapps dimdim contains publisher at \jsp\activex there must be some files like 2090.exe and 2090dimdim.xpi, one for ie one ff.

      If they are present then the installation must have been fine, you can directly install the publisher by drag/drop that .exe or .xpi into ie or ff respectively. Can you just try uninstalling the prev publisher and try?

      As soon as I get time, I will do that build on a clean system myself and let you know.

      • David Kelso

        David Kelso - 2007-10-02

        Hey Dilip

        I'm not too worried about the publisher - I can just copy the files over. I was just letting you know. It looks like it's probably a problem on my end so I'll try to discover what's causing it.

        My most pressing problem is that I still can't start a meeting without the javascript error I pasted.

        Thanks for your help,

    • Rajesh Dharmalingam

      Hello David,

        I tried with a fresh tree downloading from sf cvs and am able to successfully build, install and start/join a meeting.

      Please try the following:
      1. Download the source code afresh from sf CVS - DimdimCodeBase v2.0
      2. Go to the location <your directory>\DimDimCodeBase\v2.0\Product\Build\ from command prompt
      3. ant All
      4. On successful completion of the build you should see the following message

      5. Navigate to the folder <your directory>\DimDimCodeBase\v2.0\Product\Installer, In this location you will be able to find dimdim-1.6.0.exe
      6. Install the dimdim-1.6.0.exe and start/join a meeting.

      Please try this out and let us know your output. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.


    • David Kelso

      David Kelso - 2007-10-26

      Hi Rajesh,
      Sorry for the slow reply
      Using the exe installer seems to fix the problem.
      Previously I was using the buildAndDeployInTomcat.cmd script in WebApps\ServerII.
      How do I make it so the output of the deploy script is the same thing that goes into the installer file?


    • goose4all

      goose4all - 2008-02-06

          [javac] Compiling 314 source files to /usr/src/dimdim/DimDimCodeBase/v2.0/WebApps/ServerII/tmp/WEB-INF/classes
           [copy] Copying 21 files to /usr/src/dimdim/DimDimCodeBase/v2.0/WebApps/ServerII/tmp/WEB-INF/classes

      /usr/src/dimdim/DimDimCodeBase/v2.0/Product/Build/build.xml:329: Execute failed: Cannot run program "cmd" (in directory "/usr/src/dimdim/DimDimCodeBase/v2.0/WebApps/ConsoleII"): error=2, No such file or directory

      Total time: 13 seconds

      well.. is there any chance to build this on linux?

      why does it contain thos "cmd" commands? any chance to strip those?

      thank you!

      Best regards


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