
I am exited about dimdim. Unfortunately I can’t seem to make the sharing desktop work. I especially am interested about desktop sharing. None of the sharing options work. I have read many threads about this problem.
The dimdim server is windows 2003 SP1 with 3.6 GH Pentium D and 256 MB memory. Dimdim version is dimdim-1.6.0_07302007. I have opened up ports 80 and 1935.

I notice that when I do a “telnet localhost 1935” on the dimdim server itself, it does not bind……..I do not run any software firewall on the dimdim server. Also no antivirus software. In fact it is a fresh install of windows.

I am running the dimdim server at my homepc. I want to host a meeting on a desktop at my work, so that I can join in from somewhere else so that I don’t have to be at work.

Whenever I share my desktop at work, a veritical bar appears on the lefthand side and it says BUSY. A few seconds later the bar disappears.

I have send some files to rajesh@dimdim.com
Many thanks.