
Problem switching between cntrl panel & apps

  • - 2006-09-17

    Upon sharing an application, I somehow am not able to switch back to the control panel to chat/view video until I stop sharing and hit return to panel button.
    Anyone else experienced this problem? What is it that I'm missing?

    • DD Ganguly

      DD Ganguly - 2006-09-18

      You are right. The control panel cannot be opened when application sharing or dekstop sharing is in progress.

      The reason for locking the control panel is to avoid the window-in-window problem - i.e. if desktop sharing is in progress and the control panel is opened then along with the desktop the control panel is also transmitted. And the new transmitted window is seen on the attendee view. And the proess goes on. To experience this effect you can try to run the attendee-view on the same machine as the presenter and see the window in window effect.

      Question is what's the solution? Within 4 weeks you will see a release in which the dimdim vertical bar will have a Chat pop icon. And down the road you will see Video pop up too from the same bar.

    • - 2006-09-18

      Understood and the proposed solution sounds good but why not lock only when desktop sharing is in progress? I quite didn't get why lock it if it is an application (a word doc/ppt ...) that is being shared. Why would I run into the dimdim-in-dimdim problem in such cases?

      • DD Ganguly

        DD Ganguly - 2006-09-18


        Very good point. We will discuss this and get back to you.



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