
Removing sidebar during desktop share

  • rclauff

    rclauff - 2008-01-14

    Is there a way to have the sidebar on the application go away so the left side of the screen is not cut off or is there a way to set it to auto hide.  Possibly even move it to the top or bottom of the screen.

    • Mike Bruder

      Mike Bruder - 2008-01-31

      That sidebar is seriously annoying.  It takes up a big chunk of desktop space.  Removing it or autohiding it would be a great feature.  Ideally it would just be a sidebar within firefox instead of the whole screen, and then autohides or closes just in Firefox.

      • DD Ganguly

        DD Ganguly - 2008-01-31

        Thanks for your comment.

        The version that will be released at the end of March does not have the sidebar.



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