
DGNR Manager / News: Recent posts

New version

DGNR-Manager 0.9 version has been released.
It is available through the sourceforge interface or through the debian repository.
To satisfy dependancies, a libssh package has been made.

Posted by GiGa 2005-05-14

Debian package and repository

A debian package has been created, and released in the files section.
A debian repository has also been made, use it by adding the two following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list :
deb repository/
deb-src repository/

Posted by GiGa 2005-03-02


For our first piece of news on, we would like to thank its administrators for providing us with this opportunity to widely share our work throughout the web. We realize that our project is poorly coded and completely unoptimized, as well as totally not portable ; therefore we would strongly appreciate any comments and critics that anyone could provide. Thanks in advance.

Posted by el_nińo 2005-03-01