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Updated for CMake build

Project builds into an installed SACK library project. download uhmm
run sack_deploy.exe - records an install reference in the registry, and updates a CMakePackage file in the sack installation which can be referenced to build projects against.

Uhmm so ya this was build in release with mingw, think it's self contained, but probably uses freetype.dll etc from minge lib.

Posted by Jim 2010-06-04


Recent changes to event based system are not as bad as first had seemed. Triggers cause a lag, but the bash/command interface benefits. Curses, WinConsole, Win32API and SACK PSI interface are being unified... considering taking the history library and making it a filter device, but then latency for interacting with that device may drastically impair system performance. A> latency in responce. B> More processing done since more state engines wake up. CPU+ and LAG+ probably = BAD++;

Posted by Jim 2004-01-21

Initial installment

zip - decompress into a unique folder (dekware), run 'runwin'....

CVS compile? You NEEED SACK (

Posted by Jim 2004-01-15