
Decal / News: Recent posts

Decal released.

I fixed this bug like a day after the old release, sorry guys. I was hoping it wouldn't pop up until next month ;P

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2004-01-06

Decal released.

Remember that you also may need to update spellfilter, which can be obtained at

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-12-20

For the october patch memlocs, you need Decal 2600+

And that means a release build, not a release candidate.

Also, I am aware that DenAgent reports itself as version in version It is the right version, however.

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-10-29

Decal released!

Fixes a bug in querykeyboard map. (This was the cause of the issue with NB2 not going into combat mode, among other problems).

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-10-23

Decal Final released!

The first non beta release of Decal in a long time. As far as we know, all bugs are fixed

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-10-17

Decal RC5 released!

Fixed issues with view transparency; other miscellaneous crash fixes.

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-10-08

Decal RC4 released!

Fix the checkbox & id queue problems

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-10-01

Decal RC3 released.


Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-09-27

Decal Support Libraries 1.1

DSL 1.1 is now available. It should fix the installation problems some people have been seeing, and provides additional support for some plugins. You can get the new release at

Posted by John Dilley 2003-09-26

Decal RC2 released!

Fix for some ID spamming and some WF fixes... added some more hooks also.

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-09-09

Decal RC1 released!

Lots of world filter changes, dual log+windowed patches, outgoing message support, IRender3DSink...

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-09-08

Decal RC3 released.

All known bugs are fixed at this point :P

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-08-01

Decal RC2 released!

Link in the upper corner. Fixes a DenAgent crash bug, and other minor errata. Also reduces the of the installer.

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-06-23

Decal RC1 out!

If no problems are reported (yeah right...) this will officially become Final.

Posted by Jeffrey Dodge 2003-06-22

Decal Support Libraries 1.01 (was Decal7) available!

More and more Decal plugins are making use of the Visual Studio 7 development. However, since the support files for these plugins are not included in a normal Decal install, these plugins require much larger downloads and installs than earlier plugins.

Decal Support Libraries Version 1.0 (also known as DSL 1.0 or Decal7 Support) will install those files needed for those plugins to work properly.

You do NOT need to install this package if you are not using plugins that require DSL 1.0. And this package only ever needs to be installed once on any computer.... read more

Posted by John Dilley 2003-05-10

Decal Final Released

This release is a mandatory upgrade. Please read the notes and download from

Posted by Anonymous 2003-01-01

Decal RC1 released

.NET plugins now show their proper version number
ACHooks updated to work like they did in RC1

Posted by Mike Garlick 2002-12-30

Decal 2.5 RC released

This release will become a final supported version soon, if all is well. download from:

Changes since
o Packet parser updated to handle data that was causing
problems before. Some plugins may be broken by this
change - Please contact your plugin vendor if you have
problems with specific plugins.
o New memlocs added
o Castspell restrictions removed, due to new COC changes

Posted by Mike Garlick 2002-12-02

Decal 2.4 Final Released!


This is Decal, a supported release. It is a recommended
update for all Decal users. Support will not be provided for people who
are not running this release.

Please see the Change Log for new features and bug fix details.

Decal itself has no UI or control changes for this release. This
release primarily adds capabilities to the filters and controls that
authors may use in their plugins. It also contains various bug fixes
and performance improvements.... read more

Posted by John Dilley 2002-09-06

Commit Tracking mail-list now available

We have added a new mail list that can notify you anytime changes are committed to CVS. If you would like to receive these notifications, simply go to the mail lists section for Decal and subscribe.

Note to developers...Your check in descriptions become part of these notifications, so please keep them appropriate to a PG audience ;)

- Gouru

Posted by John Dilley 2002-08-01

Version 2.3 Final Released

Version 2.3 Final Released

Numerous bug fixes to World Filter, a new ACHooks interface with even more hooks.

Note: the castspell command no longer supports casting Drain Health, Harm or War spells.

Vsn 2.31 fixes a bug casting S2M7

Posted by John Dilley 2002-07-07

Decal 2.3, Release Candidate 2 available for download

This version of Decal does not directly support the casting of Harm, Drain Life, or War spells.

The AC Developers are fully aware that individual plugin authors will be able to write their own code that does not have these restrictions, and that due to the nature of open source, hacked versions of Decal may be made available without those restrictions.

However, we feel this more clearly puts out the message that Decal developers do NOT support combat macroing. ... read more

Posted by John Dilley 2002-07-06

Decal 2.3 RC 1 Release

World filter has been fixed for months, much new stuff has gone in, but the whole time everything was labeled Beta. Well, the code seems stable, and it's time to officially release this to the world.

Developers, please do not add new functionality until the final release goes out. The only thing being changed should be bug fixes.

Please report bugs on #ACDEV as soon as possible. If no stoppers are found, then Saturday will be the actual release.

Posted by John Dilley 2002-07-03

Beta released!

This Beta is primarily a Developers release, with little added functionality for the casual user. Miscellaneous fixes to some of the filters, new methods in World Filter, a new ACHooks interface for easier access to memlocs, and first generation of an auto-updater to allow updates to filters and other components without requiring a full release.

Thanks to Hazridi for the ACHooks interface, Asriel for the auto-updater and all the other developers for their testing, patience and bug fixes.

Posted by John Dilley 2002-05-28


A new beta, with huge fixes to WorldFilter (many thanks to Gouru!) has been posted.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-05-09