
#2 Search Text Box


Is it possible to create a text box to search for a particular text in the files present in the tree shown in the file browser plugin? I'm no expert in C, but I'm willing to help you developing that.


  • Zykure

    Zykure - 2011-09-19
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • assigned_to: nobody --> zykure
  • Zykure

    Zykure - 2011-09-19

    Hi! Sorry for my late reply, I either missed the email notification or wasn't notified at all.

    To come back to your question: In principle this should be possible, but I don't get the point why you would want that feature. Searching for a filename, okay - but searching for text? In audio files?

  • Carlos Rosão

    Carlos Rosão - 2011-09-20

    Hello. I didn't explain myself correctly, what I wanted to was to search for a particular pattern in the filename. I think this could be useful if the user has some meaningful names in its files, but in order for one to has a "complete" search, one has to use the mp3 tags and I guess, some kind of database to keep that info (I guess this kind of "complete" search requires more than this plugin).
    Thanks for your answer.

  • Zykure

    Zykure - 2011-09-20
    • priority: 3 --> 4
  • Zykure

    Zykure - 2011-09-20

    Good, that's exactly what I was thinking. A search for filenames shouldn't be too hard too implement, and I also have an idea how to show the search results in the browser. The disadvantage of course would be having to recurse into every directory below the current one and check out all files inside, which could take some time on slow computers/harddisks and huge directories. Maybe there should be an option to limit the search to some depth, or to only check out directories, but not files.

    If you have some ideas yourself, feel free to send me a (git-formatted) patch. :-)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'll study your code and refresh my knowledge of C and after implementing anything new I'll send you the git formated patch.

  • Andreas E

    Andreas E - 2014-10-11

    Great suggestion.
    However, recursing file (sub-)trees would be essential for me as well since I've put plenty of time in getting my audio files organized by genre, so when I know what I am looking for is 90's alternative rock, I will only start looking from that directory and surely not in "disco" or "oldies" trees.


    Last edit: Andreas E 2014-10-11
  • Zykure

    Zykure - 2015-07-22


  • Zykure

    Zykure - 2015-07-22
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: -->